Vaccum Hose Diagram and Overheats at Idle


New member
Help need a better vaccum hose diagram then the book has for a 89 Jeep Wrangle 6 cylinder. The book sucks and mechanics around my area not sure. It also overheats when it sits at idle just changed the motor had the radiator cleaned, new fan clutch and new thermostat. Any help would be great.


Moved your post to the Wrangler forum :mrgreen:

As far as the vacuum diagram, is the engine fuel injected or carburated?

For the overheating problem you might have an air pocket in the cooling system. Did you run the heater while filling the system? Also, if your cooling system doesn't have a radiator cap, it's best to fill the system through the upper radiator hose then top off through the coolant reservoir.

-Nick :!:
Thanks for moving it. Its carburated and yea we checked for air pockets. The mechanic said we put a bad fan clutch in so we are going to replace again.