Vacation or Jeep?


New member
painless wiring

I have a bit of money to spend - and the time to spend it(I'm getting laid-off Dec. 31). I have 2 options, I normally don't come into this kind of money, and it's really not all the much only, $1,000, but I can go on vacation(Joe and I) or get stuff for the Jeep.

Just so you all know both sides. I have NEVER been on a plane. I am scared to fly, but am willing. I have NEVER been on a real vacation. When I was 12 my fam and I drove to Dinsey. Other then that I have not left Marshfield. Well every year, I canoe the Saco River, but that's really nothing.

Europe, would be where I want to go. Normandy #1, I can't get enough of WWII. Ireland, Italy, Amsterdam to name a few. Chances of me going to Europe are slim...anyways, staying domestic is more likely. Staying here, I want to go to DC, although I have already been there, but Joe hasnt. Yosemite National Park...and I really can't think of much else where.

Now, my Jeep. It's all stock, and needs stuff. You can't really do much with a grand...I can't lift it, cuz it would look wicked funny with the small tires. I'm sure I have more options. I can't think of much more other then tires/wheels and bumbers.

So, so you see my delima? You guys live all over, and I'm sure a lot of you have been all over the world. OH! I also thought, I would put tires on the Jeep and take the extra money and go to Paragon for a few days...I don't know.

Any suggestions? What would you do?

Get the Tires and go Camp Some Trails :-D That means you get a Vacation AND Mods for da Jeep. You can get a Lift and some 31's for Under a K
78 cj7 golden eagle levis edition 304 for sale


I know we love our jeeps and I'd tell you to mod it out but think of this. The jeep is a material thing, You and Joe and your memories are not. If you want to travel or take a vacation and have a shot that you might not have for a very long time I think you should do it.

You'll alway come up with extra money here and there for the jeep but how often are you going to have the time and the money to experience a place far away for the first time?

I love to travel everywhere, can't get enough of it. Of course, I love my jeep too but I find time and money for both somehow, so far. I loved travel before Jeeps and I could never give it up. Ground me in one spot for 24/7 365 and you are taking away my heart and soul.

I love my jeep trail memories too but the travel memories are just as impressive. Go to an island, go catch a flight with a deal to Europe if thats what you want. You won't regret it.

Take care girlie,
AHHH...the best of both worlds. A lift and 31's fur unda a K? really...

Vegas was on the list, too.

I know, I am wicked torn. I don't know what to do.

not jeep related

You can make memories while camping with Joe also.
A vacation isn't someplace you "GO" A vacation is something you do to "get Away" you can get away all over the world, heck, you can "Get Away" in your back yard if that appeals to you. You don't have to Fly to go on Vacation and make memories. To me, I think Memories will Fade but the Tires will last you at least 40k miles :-D AND get you in some hair raising experiences that can NEVER be substituted with a craps table or some English dewd screaming "Bloddy hell" at you. :-D Just my outlook. I wouldn't trade my Time in Erwin for ANY other Vaction I could have paid for.

take a cruise, go to mexico, jamaica. europe is prolly mucho $$$$. look for an all inclusive trip with food/booze!!! that'd be fun
Hi Laura,

I would go for the cruise. Drive or take a train south and hop on a cruise ship in Florida. It will be very cold in Boston come January. Go somewhere else -- where it will be warm -- certainly not Europe at that time of year.


Because of everything LadyJeepFreak expressed above. I could not have stated the ideas any better than she.

I know this idea will cause me to be burned at the stake as a heretic, but the day your Jeep (and mine) was born, a reservation was made for it at the crusher. Vehicles are temporary material possessions.

I bet you and Joe will have a great time on a cruise, gain 10 lbs. each, and the memory of your first "real" vacation with a loved one will last a lifetime.

Traveling Man, Gadget

i would simply build the jeep and go camping with some close ones... and nobody else knows where you are
I guess they will be putting up a long line of stakes to burn a few of us....

I am going to have to say for a 1000$ St. Thomas, Bahamas, Belize and any where else is looking very good right now.
Take time for yourselves. Those special memories are what hold you both together in the rough times. Go to the islands and adlib it.
Learn to dive, rent scooters and explore the island and the people.
These things will last you both a life time.

As I am writting this my wife is sitting beside me reminding me of our last trip to Belize. We are both cerified divers and went to dive.
Jill came up with an imbalance and a resulting ear infection the second day out diving. We spent the last 3 days exploring the country side and meeting some wonderful people who we still keep in touch with.
The laughs and experiences will keep us through the dark times and bright.

The Jeep is a material possion and yes I want to dump more into it as you do.

But the memories are far more worth a lift kit and tires.

Get your passport out and go find those special memories with Joe.
do you have another job lined up after the first of the year? sorry to hear about the layoff. my wife and I always look on the brighter side and tell ourselves that things happen for a reason and change is almost allways for the better. with that said....... VEGAS! thats the most fun me and my have ever had, of course we live in oklahoma, and there is not a lot to do around here. :D

well allow me to end the debate and side on the part which unbeknownest to you, the side you have already chosen. screw the grand, get out and see some real estate. unless you have a detailed list that entails/unravels the mystery modification-but still, travel. and utah jeepster-how was the belize scene. did you hit belmopan? or remain on the coast. lookin for some feedback on the country-don't drink the water i here.
For all of you that dig travel like me and voted for vacations check this out!

This is where I'll be next March, Suite 8D going for 9 days, 8 nights to Belize, Panama, and Costa Rica. Man I can't wait, will be another time of my life!

Lady (see below)

Hey cruisers,

Follow this link to see 360 degree pictures of the Carnival Legend.
You can see what the rooms look like, the deck areas and the bars
and lounges:

nice! just remember on a ship you have the same server and cabinboy for the whole trip and you pay all your tips at the end.
Every year we take off for a week or so and go somewhere for vacation. We've always gone to a resort of some sort. This year we took the kids and rented a cabin in western MD. It was really cheap and we never have had such a great vacation. We spent much more real time with each other, not getting wrapped up in tourist trap type stuff. Beautiful places are beautiful, but we were reminded this year that it's not so much where you go, but how you spend the time with the one(s) you love when you are there. Hiking, biking, fishing, camping, games, gathering wood and building a campfire (and cooked on it), man that was the good stuff! The kids were always wore out and went to sleep early :wink: . No beach, no boardwalk, no TV, no traffic. That was a vacation. I'm sure you two could find things to do on a vacation like that.

Thanks for the tip! I've cruised before and I won't forget. I had a great cabin steward last time, he would fancy up my beach towels into these animals and figures every day. lol ALways had a mint on my pillow too, could get used to that! The steward is indespensible, one time he even secured me a safety pin on a formal night. A safety pin on a ship with all those people and cabins. I was impressed. I thought my chances for it were nil. lol


Id agree that kind of vacation rocks too! Yours sounded like a great time, mountain cabin-now that is something I"ve never done but would like to someday. I'm open to going anywhere and doing anything most days. I just like to see a different part of the earth as much as I can. Cheap, expensive or wherever it's all good. I know when you have kids you have limited options too!
