Ungrategul protestors


Iam sick and tired of all these anti-war protestors, have they forgot the men and women that died to give them the rights they have now? Even if they don't agree with the war they still need to support our country and troops not discourage them and dishonor the ones that have already died. Does anyone else fill this way? :-x [addsig]


yeah my friends like that...in the end it comes down to they hate the goverment any reason to bitch and moan there right there. talk and argue with one of them...it always turns out being about how much they hate the goverment..if its about the war or feeding people in other countrys. they have no real "views" on the war..well atleast all the people i bother about it seem that way[addsig]

Ya I'm really sick of em too. seems like the "pro war" activists are getting about 1/8 the news coverage as these darn hippies. only something like 25% of americans are opposed to the war with Iraq but MTV and All the news channels make you think that you're the only american in favor of the war. Think about it, If you're an arab from oh say iran or something and you come the the US of A and turn on the TV and see all these anti-war protestors and then you think that the whole country is against the war and pro saddam. [addsig]


War sucks, having said that, I got to share a story with you. Viet Nam 1969, I was attached to an artillery unit, in the high lands, My next door nieghbors, on the other side, of five rows of concerntena wire, were a very old woman and her husband who had Leprasy. They lived under a few pieces of discarded tarp, hung over a few sticks, almost directly under a battery of 155 MM guns. I don´t really know what there life was like before they moved in next door, but it must have been really bad, if they figured out, the only safe place to live was under the cannon.
Most of the protesters would be the first ones to yell, if there was another 911. They would scream the loudest if the gas was shut off, they would berate the government if Isreal was attacked with chemical or nuclear weapons. And probably would be the first ones to demand an investigation and want to know why our government let this happen.
War sucks, but it is possible the alternatives are worse.[addsig]

If you watch the tv news coverage at all over the past few days you have seen the freedon put into the actions by the folks in Iraq all ready. When you see them beating the posters and statues of Sadam with their shoes that is te worst that they can do. Over there to show someone the bottom of your shoes is to say you are dirt under my feet. then to hit someone with your shoe soles is the lowest form of insult.

The folks over there are kissing our troops and saying America #1 Bush #1 Thank you please don't leave now, help us stand up. The fall of the mad man is allowing the beat down people to be proud again. This is what this war was all about. Our troops are the best thing to come along in years over there. I seen that marine in south iraq haven a child ask is this water clean can I drink it, and brought the big ol sargent to tears and said now I know why I am fighting this war.

There will always be a precentage of folks that are just plain old off when it comes to anything. To protest the war, the In God We Trust, Public Prayer, The Ten Comandments in a court house ect....... is just plain stupid. Lord all mighty there has to be about a million laws in this counrty and if you look close they are all just upholding the basic 10 comandments any way.

Big can o worms is what this opens and I sure do not want to be in the middle of another conflict here on jeepz. Just aint worth it. But the facts are there is always a small groupe of sh!T stirrers out there that take advantge of haveing the right to protest the very folks that are fighting to give them the freedom to protest in the first place.

Freedom is not free, It has cost many much and many all! 911 awoke a sleeping giant and now again many are tryng to put the giant back to bed. But the dogs of war are set loose now, I pray we let em run till some are defeated and the rest are afraid to do any thing stupid. God Bless the Troops, Our Leaders and thoes countrys that want to lead the world with us.

As for France Canada Germany and many others that owe The United States and England much and hide from the debts they owe us. For the people of the United States that are unwilling to pledge their support to the country that they enjoy freedom in, I say When you are in need in the furture who are you going to call on? It will not be a small third world mad man country that supports terrorism, It will be who the world always calls on in times of trouble The United States of America makers of the Jeep.

An old Irish deal says something like this! May thoes that Love us, Love us. And thoes that don't love us may God turn their hearts. If he can not turn their hearts may he turn their ankles so we shall know them by thier limping. Tug[addsig]


france is looking for evidence to join this war, lets see. The last time France got evidence of a war it was a big ole tank rolling through them with a German flag flyin. nuff said.- irish[addsig]


I´m not much on war, been there done that. But for France I´d make an exception.[addsig]