Ultimate JEEPZ.COM Trail Ride

Sound_Man, im in for sure. Lt me know dates and times. Would it be allright if i brought a few friends with rigs other then Jeeps?

I'd be up for it! I'm in VA and would definitely join up with some folks to make the trek out. Mainly so I would have some support if the old 7 decides to take an unexpected "break"!
C'mon out!It would be awsome to have like,100 jeepz.com members come.That would be sweet!A jeep.com jamboree!I can see it now. :) Sully
Yes, we need dates. Finally someone around the rockies. I'd drive up from El Paso, the Land that time forgot. Springs would be perfect.

any body know when this is planned for? i live in Colorado and would like to get it onto my calender
Just a thought but if there is someone willing to pick up and carry the ball on this one. Be it where ever in the country and be how ever large or small, Might be a nice thing to call it the Jhiggins Memorial Jeepz.com Run or something to pull him into the pic as he started this thread and was so into it happening. tug
Sorry Ranger4x4 I made a Mistake! HELP

Can't make it next year. Already registered for Camp Jeep on July 15-17. Can only afford one trip per year. But check back with me in '05, might be able to make that one.

Maybe the trip should be to the Moab. Only place on earth, that i know of, that has a crap load of jeep rental places. I'm certainly unsure about driving my rig to Colorado. And what if you pay for the whole trip and your jeep breaks down the night before. Maybe we could get a group rate on rentals. What do you guys think?

check out this link

I for one am not up to Moab, no way no how with zero jeeps. lol I am from flat land and am not ready for the deathness I see in pictures of Moab. I would rather hightail it in the other direction. Then, I'm new too.

Maybe other more experienced jeepers would go for Moab. Can you actually rent JEeps for moab? Don't you get alot of damage from that place? Interesting idea.

Lady :roll:

I'd offer to help arranging something but I have nothing of interest near me for wheeling. I think someone nearer to a nice big place should start something, maybe more than one. LIke regional events inseaad of Ultimate events. I would me more than happy to help someone do something for the east coast, but like I said they would have to pick the location, etc.
Oops, should have looked at the link first. This place offers exceptional prices on rentals!! Does Moab offer an easy section for riders with Fear like Me? lol


oh another ps. LOL I am full of it today. They offer modified vehicles too, man I'd love to get ahold of a modified vehicle that isn't mine.

Sound man!

Are you still doing this in Colo? I'm up in Denver and was wandering what trials your thinking.

As to the trails offered at Moab.. there are a wide varity of trails from easy to 5+ (oh my gowd). With every type of trail offered there there are seasoned trail leaders or guildes available to lead us. Many I can lead us on. I have led many of these trails before with near stock jeeps and have had come out with no damage.
Here is a good list of trails if any want to concider this as an option http://www.4x4now.com/mu4wd.htm.

A week of 2 or 3 rated trails is still worth the trip to Moab. As for those wanting to try the 3.5-5+ trails the bear minimum is a locker in the rear and 2-3 inches of lift. I have done many of the 4 and 4.5 trails with my rig and came out with no body damage....ok my wife did say I have scratched my 45 degree angle plates on my rear bumper crossing the golden crack ( Goden Spike trail)...lol