Ultimate JEEPZ.COM Trail Ride

I am game. Give me some dates and a location and I am there.
yeah i was thinking someplace smack in the middle of the country, kansas has an off road park..perhaps we should play with that idea, set it up for next year sometime, maybe in spring? sometime in april or may, gives everyone about a year to mark it down and hold that date.
RE: tire choice for a tj

If I EVER meet up with Tug, then I guess I'm game for anything. Man, I can't even drive an hour or so in these beautiful mountains to me up with a beautiful soul like Tug???????? What's wrong with me?!?

there is tuttle creek in kansas, they have approx 300 acres of ORV park there. if you are interested i can get more info.

RE: Ice Storm 2005....HELP!!!!!!!

This been going on for a long time :o it’s kind of cool because I can join you guys for this trip. I don't know if I can be any help but I think that something was mention few times during this post and was never answered... Where and When. I think a lot of energy and time was involved without much result... :( I am kind of new here and don’t know everything is working on this web forum but could we have some kind of poll on the subject? : Maybe 2 choices for trail destination and another poll to find out when we could do it. Hope this comment was positive enough and didn’t offend anyone. :? :wink:

RE: mildew smell coming out of the heater and water seepage

Are there any suggestions on locations? Even if we have a few, we can run a poll to narrow it down later. I can gather the information and get back with a poll (I hope I will find out how to do it then). This will be a start. Depending on the location, we could target a date later. Please share your location(s) that could accommodate a group for few days or a week with good trail choices. I know some good suggestions were mention earlier on this post.

I'm doing some CPR on this post... please help me :wink:
Re: Steering Rattle

OK, look, this is a crazy idea, but it just might be doable... Bear with me here, because we could knock out many eggplants with just one stone...

The general idea, to the best of my recall, is that we would be doing from East coast to West coast... Meaning that whichever route was taken, I would probably have to drive south to join in... Assuming we pick a centralized highway route, we can all somehow communicate and convene, the group getting larger as we head West (I think this was the general plan, do not have time to read back through all 8 pages)

Now, here's the crazy part... I have, all my life, been a huge fan of the Price is Right. And I notice that they very often have large groups of persons in the studio audience... So, maybe, just maybe, as we traverse the country, wheeling and whatnot, we could end it by being an audience group at the Bob Barker studio in Hollywood, California...

I am dead serious here, I just think it would be killer cool if we could do that, maybe get some sort of T-shirts made up, if anything, we go ape on each other with a permanant marker on a basic white T, and all of us appear on national television representing Jeepz.com... Assuming one of us got picked, the thought of a group of perfect strangers convening in a huge road trip with their Jeepz across the country sounds worthy of the final cut to me...

It looks ridiculous as I read it, and maybe it is, but I'm throwing out an idea here... Don't know how, don't know when, but I would love for this to happen. Jeepz is like my second home, hell, sometimes it's easier to talk to you guys than my friends, lot less drama here.

and I could really use a new grandfather clock or dinette set :mrgreen:
RE: Re: RE: Diff Questions

And I would love to win....... A NEW CAR!!!

I think that is an awesome idea. It's like the sturgis Harley thing. Where everyone starts out in the middle of nowhere, gathering into lager and larger groups until there's like two huge groups that meet up at the destination!

I think that is very interesting idea Saurian but don’t think we can make that one happen. You are talking of some big organization to coordinate several stops to meet new members along the way. Plus, it would be a long drive for many jeepers. I believe two choices are possible. The first one would be to meet somewhere between the east coast and the west coast. The second option would be to have two events organized on each side for more convenience. I would love to meet with everyone if we can make it happen. What were the possible locations for a reunion somewhere between the two coasts? We need to focus on finding a location first.

I do not want to take anyone’s place on this post and I know that some members worked very hard on it previously. I am just trying to help. :oops: :wink:

Sound Man, are you still in?

_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
Superlift Orv Park in Hot Springs, AR.

Ozark Mountain OffRoad Park in Harrison, AR

These 2 parks ar about 4 hrs or so apart if you chose to do one of them one day then the other the next.

About as Central as you can get...sorta

I like this. I will run a poll to see if there any interest on those two parks.

RE: Ultimate Jeepz.com trail ride "2"

TwistedCopper said:
It should be in Colorado as originally planned.

Any specific location in mind TwistedCopper? We could have a poll between those two location. Work for me. :) :) :)
_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
About as Central as you can get...sorta
arkansas as central as you can get? really? granted thats closer to me than colorado, and i'm no geography major, but if arkansas is central, then i need to go back to high school.