Typical Boston meathead!!!!


New member
Hey JPS4JEEP just because your a dejected BLOWSOX fan no need to let evryone know what you think about the Yankess and Jeter. The Red Sox & Grady Little are the ones you should blame, they handed it to the Yakees once again!!!!!

LONG LIVE THE CURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hold up....

I want to start out by saying that I am a Yankees fan. Although you may not like what JPS4JEEP has to say about the Yankees, do not blame it on him being bitter about their victory over his Sox. He had that signature long before the ALCS.

Now that I have gotten that out of the way GO YANKEES!
Re: girls, girls, girls...

Marlins eat Yankees for breakfast!

Go fish!

On of the lowested rated series EVER! I thought the Yankees have the 'best' fans! Best club in the AL. They can't even watch the Yanks loose! Gettin' to be like Boston, huh?

No #27 for Yanks.

The low ratings for this series is not from Yankee fans not watching, it is from the rest of the public not watching. The general public is not watching because of two reasons: One is that the best story was NY vs. Boston. It was a rivalry going back longer than most people have been alive. Two is that the media has been acting like this would be an easy series for Florida. People do not want to watch a blowout....especially if it is the Yankees doing the blowing out. If the media had played up the fact that the Marlins are a great story (which they are) like talking about how bad they want this and how hard they are playing for it, this series would have had much better ratings.
Everyone is sick of the YANKMEES they have a
big pocket book = a good team every year.
steinbrenner is a great business man, but it sucks for other baseball teams in the league. i'm personally a BRAVES FAN, how bad does that suck, got 12 division pennants consecutive and ONE RING! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: i hope the FISH win this series, they worked hard and earned it.

But I was watching ONLY because of the rivalry and curses.

The low ratings is because baseball needs a freakin' play clock.
New Rules: Batters should never be allowed to leave the box, tap dirt off their shoes, scratch themselves, adjust their batting gloves, yada yada. They also need a delay of game penalty!

That Nomar has the longest most ridiculous ritual I've ever seen. I posted 4 very long posts, cooked some ramen noodles, changed my XJ's oil and all between 2 of his swings. Yawn. I was routing for the sox, but jiminey-christmas!

Long live football, Amerca's real past time.
no matter what the yankees marlins series was not gonna be popular, no matter how much they played it up for the reason of all of the hype of the red sox or cubs gettin to the world series, anything less than that this year was gonna be boring to watch, end of story.
Good points all. No doubt that baseball needs to speed up the game a little. I agree force the batters to stay in the box. I mean how loose can those gloves get with one swing.....if they keep getting loose, get some tighter ones, or have someone design one that will fit for one at-bat!

Stopped watching after the braves lost. I don't like either teams right now but I'm from Fl so I'm goin for the fish and because i hate the yankees.
i like the way his profile says southern new jersey, like that makes a difference. scumbags a scumbag, north - south - east - or west...

stop wastin our time with these garbage posts.
Jeep Virgin here

Good call guys. I'm really getting sick of these stupid topics. I feel bad having contributed a post to this crap.

BostonJeep said:
i like the way his profile says southern new jersey, like that makes a difference. scumbags a scumbag, north - south - east - or west...quote]

And just what is this supposed to mean?
haven't been involved in a controversial post yet. but now i am WHOOoo. aren't there sites for this kind of crap. I signed on to read about jeeps and mud and stuff related to those topics.

thank you

awesome, Myname was mentioned five times and I didn't even post any thing!!
Thanks dear hunter for sticking up for me, That has been in my sig for almost a year now! I am thinking of changing it! How does
Bills suck
Bledsoe swallows

Sound?? JK I like Drew

And Cut thread done!

P.S. Meat Head? If you want I would be happy to fax you my diploma's (Notice the plural) from grad school.