

New member
Yesterday we bought my son a birthday gift, man they never had anything this cool when I was 3 yrs old...

I was originally going for a Jeep type, but this 12V baby has got coilover shocks all the way around, a working winch :shock: , headlights... and what's really cool is that it was...
Made in the USA ;):


Sure, UJ, what's another when ya already got a house full!

Okay, so the winch is pretty lame. A 20cm line and winds in by a hand crank. It makes sense though, kids and winches (or any long rope) would be a really scary thing.

The rest is cool though. I'm surprised how is does coming up the hill from our lower pasture to our backyard. Torquey little thing ;)
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That is cool. My daughter has the ugly pink and purple beetle. Because the axle doesn't flex at all, if she goes on any unlevel ground one of the tires will spin and she'll be stuck. It really frustrates her. That looks like it'd be more fun.

south442 said:
That is cool. My daughter has the ugly pink and purple beetle. Because the axle doesn't flex at all, if she goes on any unlevel ground one of the tires will spin and she'll be stuck. It really frustrates her. That looks like it'd be more fun.
Well it actually has a small amount of wheel travel with the coilovers, but it's upward, not downward. It works best when he has a rider sitting behind him (he's 3 and light as a feather). He had a blast with it tonight. You all should see his face when he rides it, he's all business :purple: and his Tim the tool man Taylor "Uh Uh Uh" is enough to keep you in stitches.
Man, all of the toys kick arse on the toys I had growing up!!!

This Sunday, I was over at a friend's house (the were having Easter dinner) and her cousin had a Darth Vader action figure that was also a Transformer. It turned into a Ty-fighter!
Sunshine and I bought our grandson one of the battery powered Jeep ride-ons. Yeah, he's only 3 1/2 months, but it was on sale, so we got it to give to him later. Can't wait till he's big enough to ride it!!