Torque roll on throttle changes


New member
I have an 04' Rubicon auto trans. My problem is while traveling down the road any change in throttle (release or apply) my jeep will shimmy side to side. Is this normal in the Rubicon? If not what may be the problem? Thanks to all who can help!!

Have you checked your engine and trans mounts? Look for cracking or worn bushings or broken mounts.
Sounds like it could be the locker.when accelerating it engages when you leave off the skinny pedal it disengages.If it is the locker it should only do it when you first acclerate/decelerate.
The first lockers in the Rubicons were a low psi air type of locker. They were known to fail both open and closed, making it act like you have a spool or a Detroit locker in the rear axle.
Put a floor jack under your rear axle and slip your transfer case into neutral. Manually spin the rear tires, if both turn the same direction your locker has failed in the closed position, giving you the torque turning when your getting on or off the gas.
As to repairing it? Jeep? call around to your local off road places and axle shops to see if they service Chrysler's air lockers.

Great, thanks, I'll check it out and see what I can do to fix it!