TJ stutter problem


New member

Maybe some of you have expereinced this? When i first start my 97 TJ and put it into reverse... soemtimes it stutters, that is i hit the gas and it almost chokes out and i have to gun it more to keep the engine going. This happens in first gear sometimes to... maybe a throttel body problem? I know it could just be my shabby stick shift skills but ive been doing this for awile now and havent had any problems... its almost as if the engine is starved for gas or air for a second before it catches and goes. (the rpm's drop real low when this happens, like almost to stall)[addsig]


How many miles you got on your rig? If you are not getting enough fuel, you may need to replace your fuel filter, but unfortunately the filter is in the tank. Guys, correct me if I am wrong. -Al[addsig]

Does it stutter right when you put it in gear or as you pull off the clutch? Is it more noticable in reverse than first? It may be a clutch problem, and you only feel it in 1st and reverse because they are the lowest gears. Or maybe transmission mount.


edited by: XJNick, Jul 02, 2003 - 04:19 AM[addsig]