Thought i was dying


New member
Yesterday I woke up for work and realized I was a little dizzy. Not thinking anything about it I went in to work , where of course three cars including a dodge diesel were lined up before I even opened. I let them in early and while I was taking the filter off of a trailblazer I noticed my left hand tingling. I also felt very dizzy and weak, I remember thinking I was gonna black out and fall from the catwalks onto the concrete floor. I stopped working on the car and went upstairs to the restroom and. .well got sick. . Anyways I managed to finish the "snailblazer" up and start on the diesel. .all of a sudden the same feeling came back, again I went upstairs where the man driving the dodge said you don't look so well. I explained everything and he said he could come back later, my employee for that day wasn't scheduled until later. I went into my office and layed my head down, the feeling just got worse. You ever been drunk and lay down and you have to put your foot on the floor to stop the room from spinning? That's the feeling I had. .I was freezing cold but sweating like a dog! I called my best friend who also works as my assistant manager and asked if he could come run things until I felt better. The bad part was he was scheduled to be off. He said sure But was 20 minutes away so I waited. . At this point I was so bad I was trembling all over and was thinking the next option is 911 as both my arms were numb. All of a sudden I heard a voice. I look up and its the man in the dodge standing in the doorway of my office. He said he got all the way home and said something didn't feel right and he knew I was at the shop alone and came back. .he sat there just in case I needed an ambulance until my assistant came in. .I had to get my wife to leave work and drive me home. . I went straight to bed and as mysteriously as it came a few hours later it was gone. I changed the mans oil today :)

Dont take it to lightly that your feeling better.. a friend of mine died today at 49 from a heart attack....
Hey Bro,you best stay right on top of that situation. Hope your doing well, We want some update, everyday about 5:00 Pm or AM we dont give a hoot, sometimes we need somebody to put a boot in our butt to do the right thing, and we got a lot of those kinda folks here that really give a darn about folks and got their boots ready.
I would have gone to the hospital. It sounds a lot like a heart attack, and that's not really anything to brush off. I hope everything works out for you and you find out what happened, and keep us updated.
Ill update soon. .maybe I can get to a doc soon.

Go to any reputable urgent care or ER and explain the numbness in your arms and the cold sweats...then you'll be seeing a doctor immediately. Your symptoms are classic warning signs...listen to them...this is something you can't power through.

Im leaning more towards sugar problems. .not saying it couldn't be heart attack but im 24 and seem to be in good health besides that. . My dad said he had the same thing at my age. Same symptoms and all, his turned out to be anxiety, he still takes meds for attacks..I dunno. .I do have a problem where my heart beats irregularly. Maybe we can get it figured out
Age is just a number, 2 of my good friends had mild heart attacks in high school, both were on the cross country team and in great health. Sugar problems could cause your body to do weird things, but I haven't heard of it giving people those symptoms. I used to be an EMT before I moved to Utah, I'm not saying I know everything, but I would go get checked out instead of putting it off.
also dont rule out listeria big out break going around
symtems sound right careful it could kill you if not treated early
Just a word of caution sounds like mini strokes at your earliest convenience I would see a doctor...someone who takes care of people in wisdom
philndella said:
Just a word of caution sounds like mini strokes at your earliest convenience I would see a doctor...someone who takes care of people in wisdom

X10 !!!!
The sequence of events is identical to those experienced by my dad a few years back... He was working alone in his shop ... After some time he managed to drive himself 3 miles to the " town " hospital..
They kept him a couple of days and determined it was a "mini" stroke...
No permanent physical motor skill /movement damage like occurs with an actual stroke... But one heck of an attention getter!!!
He too was certain he was dying when it happened... and really has no recollection of the drive to the hospital...

[☠]lllllll[☠] 89 YJ ...SOA +6.5...44"Trxus' I Love my dirtYJeep! [☠]lllllll[☠]

I had the same issue, the Dr diagnosed it as SVT( not a ford product) but Supraventricular tachycardia, I didn't even know my heart was racing until the Dr pointed it out. I had the same symptoms, they wanted me to go on heart pills and consider a surgery. Instead, I narrowed it down to being a massive amount of stress in my life. So now I know to take it easy and know when it's coming. Long story short, regarding your age...I was 23 when it happened, 25 now and still have the odd issue, bottom line, if your stressed, take some time for yourself, stay healthy, and don't mess around, too many young people have died from heart related issues. We all want you to be around my friend so take care! Just like your jeep, parts wear out, and ya gotta keep up on human maintenance ;-)
It's a condition caused by working on trailblazers. Sometimes the body can't take the stress. Working on an old cj will cure it. All kidding aside, Go see a doctor and hope all is well.
Woke up the other night with heartbeat sensation. .never has it felt like my heart was beating that hard. .not fast just really heavy. .seeing the doc soon

Like right now! Why are you screwing around,get to it.