Things that **** Me Off (an ongoing thread)

i grew up Mormon and a few years ago moved out to Utah, and boy was it a culture shock. I was raised outside of Washington D.C. and moving here things are so different because everyones vision is skewed by the church. The state liquor laws are the dumbest in the country, this is the only place i know of that you have to be 19 to buy cigarettes, and if you have tattoo's or piercings you get looked at like your the devil. I agree that religion is a good thing to have, but in Utah it has gone too far. People expect you to live by what they want and treat you differently if you don't see the world the way they do. Most of the people that live in this state are in for a rude awakening if they ever travel to other parts of the country.
Tell me about these liquor laws, you might save me a trip to that part of the country?
Tell me about these liquor laws, you might save me a trip to that part of the country?
No alcohol sales on Sunday, although I believe some restaurants are allowed to serve it then. Alcohol is only allowed to be 4% of total volume so Utah alcohol is very weak. Many people go to Idaho or Wyoming to get decent alcohol because of the relatively low alcohol content of the stuff sold here. Only beer is sold in grocery stores, all other alcohol including mikes, smirnoff, and malt beverages like that are only sold at the state liquor store. There are no privately owned liquor stores, all owned by the state. Here is a little more info on it
Utah Dept of Alcoholic Beverage Control
PA has all state own liquor stores ATM.PA is looking into selling permits for private own companies to sell in the near future.

adult language will not be tolerated... but since we're not supposed to discuss politics or religion in the General Chat section since someone's political views or deity was probably offended (ironically another thing that ****es me off, sensitive people) brings me to this topic/person that ****es me off..

Gloria Allred | Discrimination Attorney | Feminist Lawyer

She is that blood sucking lawyer that sues everyone because feelings get hurt.. about as frivolous as they get in my opinion. I guess she is now representing someone Arnold has a relation ship with saying she was mis lead to believe they had a relationship or some crap.
adult language will not be tolerated... but since we're not supposed to discuss politics or religion in the General Chat section since someone's political views or deity was probably offended (ironically another thing that ****es me off, sensitive people) brings me to this topic/person that ****es me off..

Gloria Allred | Discrimination Attorney | Feminist Lawyer

She is that blood sucking lawyer that sues everyone because feelings get hurt.. about as frivolous as they get in my opinion. I guess she is now representing someone Arnold has a relation ship with saying she was mis lead to believe they had a relationship or some crap.
Aren't you contributing to her by makeing her website available on this thread? I had never heard of her , but it certainly looks like an empressive bit of advertisement.
adult language will not be tolerated... but since we're not supposed to discuss politics or religion in the General Chat section since someone's political views or deity was probably offended (ironically another thing that ****es me off, sensitive people) brings me to this topic/person that ****es me off..

Gloria Allred | Discrimination Attorney | Feminist Lawyer

She is that blood sucking lawyer that sues everyone because feelings get hurt.. about as frivolous as they get in my opinion. I guess she is now representing someone Arnold has a relation ship with saying she was mis lead to believe they had a relationship or some crap.

I think you are addressing "Feel-Speak", the nemesis of our culture now whereby it is all "feelings" over "substance". Tragically, all cultures past, without exception, have 6 stages of digression before they collapse and fade into oblivion, or are subjugated by war and invasion, thus suppression and obliteration:

#5: Cultural state begins to put image, feelings, self, self grandeur, moral abandonment, homosexuality, child sexual relations, and uncontrolled debt with out of control adventurism (Iraq, Afghanistan), before any civil responsibility as said culture was in origins and in stages 1-4.

Just a thought.


I think that means WE'RE ALL DOOMED!!!!

He that's cool, I am bored anyway I could use a little 5 step apocalypse.

I say we all meet at Terry's house and form a jeep gang!!!
Coming across a deal on a Jeep or Jeep parts or anything for that matter and not having the money at the time!!!!!!!
with the exception of homosexuality, I find all those to be deviant activities.. I guess we'll find out at the rapture version 3.0 in october..

They are saying that only the 80 people killed in the tornado were ruptured, the rest sinned and now in 5 months (even though the bible says 7 years) the world will be swallowed up by a fire ball (also against what the bible says)

It's funny NPR has written a lot of articles about these dumb people

One was about a man who told them that for 350 bucks upfront he would watch their animals when they are gone.

He made 400,000 bucks or something like that!!!

NPR said that the educated Christians are worried that their counterparts who prepared for the rapture will undergo a mass depression now. (I put no quotes cause it's not exact I am writing from memory. But the key words are educated, and counterparts).
Also that CNN reporter Nancy Grace I think is her name. I can't stand how she won't let you form her own opinion she will just shove hers down your throat! Also anyone else trying to have a say can't because she just barks over everything. It's so difficult to have your own opinion when some turd is telling you what to think.

I don't know what irks me more, the fact she has a job, or the fact that it actually works.

well, lets see... 1. Foreign Aid! (keep OUR money here where the H#11 it belongs) 2. Paying taxes to increase the size of Government. 3. people making a business out of having babies, 1 you get $ 2, we take $.. get it) 4. Socialist Muslim Arrogant President that doesn't listen to the PEOPLE. 5. United Nations! Get the USA out of it! 6. Welfare and all the other give aways, AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT.. make sure its going where it supposed to be and needed.. 7. Taxes to put ILLEGAL CHILDREN through OUR schools, WE pay to send our kids, THEY get it for free.. 8. QUIT giving ILLEGALS OUR money!!!! I could go on and on and on.. just close the gates for a while, throw ALL illegals out, no more baby drops on US soil and its a citizen, if parents are illegal, so is the kid! GET RID of our CONGRESS/SENATE.. CLEAN HOUSE, they obviously didn't hear a word we told them last election... Cut 90% of the Government organizations and jobs.. they are NOT needed...
This is kinda long so bare with me.

My driveway is shaped like a "Y", one branch going to my house and the other going to my neighbors. Its close in proximity but there is plenty of room to turn a full size quad cab long bed ford f350 around, a truck that has the worst turning radius of any full size truck. Well, my neighbors back onto my lawn since its a dirt driveway and the grass just kinda starts. There is a sprinkler where they usually back up and one at the corner of the yard where the driveway meets the street. Well my landlord gave me some fence posts and said put these in the ground next to the sprinklers so when we put the new ones in that have been broken from being run over, they will see the post and hit the post instead of hit the sprinkler. when I got off work I drove the posts into the ground and then came inside to eat dinner. While eating dinner my wife looks out the window and sees a red truck that looks too close for being on the driveway. We both get up and go outside and I walk over to it and it is parked on top of the post. Within 30 minutes, Helen Keller must have stolen this dudes truck and backed up hitting the post. To top it off he was completely on my grass and when he tried to get off of it he was spinning his tires and left a nice dirt patch. Moral of my rant...I hate bad drivers!
I hate bad neighbors. ^^^

Try cement poles, it may cost a lot, but at least it will teach your neighbors a lesson.
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Just build a short concrete block wall at the edge of the driveway. Let em back into that once or twice. Couldn't cost more than $150 plus an afternoon. Cheaper than fixing the sprinkler.

Back on subject.
Emo kids. They bother me. I was a very rebellious youth but seriously!? I don't get it. And I'm a metalhead.
well, lets see... 1. Foreign Aid! (keep OUR money here where the H#11 it belongs) 2. Paying taxes to increase the size of Government. 3. people making a business out of having babies, 1 you get $ 2, we take $.. get it) 4. Socialist Muslim Arrogant President that doesn't listen to the PEOPLE. 5. United Nations! Get the USA out of it! 6. Welfare and all the other give aways, AUDIT AUDIT AUDIT.. make sure its going where it supposed to be and needed.. 7. Taxes to put ILLEGAL CHILDREN through OUR schools, WE pay to send our kids, THEY get it for free.. 8. QUIT giving ILLEGALS OUR money!!!! I could go on and on and on.. just close the gates for a while, throw ALL illegals out, no more baby drops on US soil and its a citizen, if parents are illegal, so is the kid! GET RID of our CONGRESS/SENATE.. CLEAN HOUSE, they obviously didn't hear a word we told them last election... Cut 90% of the Government organizations and jobs.. they are NOT needed...
If I'm ever in your town I will buy you a cold beverage of your choice, if your ever in mine your welcome to take my Jeep for a spin. Couldn't have said it better myself, hat's off to you bro!
This is kinda long so bare with me.

My driveway is shaped like a "Y", one branch going to my house and the other going to my neighbors. Its close in proximity but there is plenty of room to turn a full size quad cab long bed ford f350 around, a truck that has the worst turning radius of any full size truck. Well, my neighbors back onto my lawn since its a dirt driveway and the grass just kinda starts. There is a sprinkler where they usually back up and one at the corner of the yard where the driveway meets the street. Well my landlord gave me some fence posts and said put these in the ground next to the sprinklers so when we put the new ones in that have been broken from being run over, they will see the post and hit the post instead of hit the sprinkler. when I got off work I drove the posts into the ground and then came inside to eat dinner. While eating dinner my wife looks out the window and sees a red truck that looks too close for being on the driveway. We both get up and go outside and I walk over to it and it is parked on top of the post. Within 30 minutes, Helen Keller must have stolen this dudes truck and backed up hitting the post. To top it off he was completely on my grass and when he tried to get off of it he was spinning his tires and left a nice dirt patch. Moral of my rant...I hate bad drivers!
Park a rusty, ugly old $300 car there. Tell 'em your gonna move it but don't. Cut the muffler off and crank it from time to time of the evening (when they're home) act like your working on it. Pour gear oil slowly down the carb so it'll smoke and stink really good ( works best if the winds in your favor). Knock on their door late at night and ask for help with it, just to show your sincere about moving it.

I don't have neighbors, probably a good thing.

My driveway is shaped like a "Y", one branch going to my house and the other going to my neighbors. Its close in proximity but there is plenty of room to turn a full size quad cab long bed ford f350 around, a truck that has the worst turning radius of any full size truck. Well, my neighbors back onto my lawn since its a dirt driveway and the grass just kinda starts. There is a sprinkler where they usually back up and one at the corner of the yard where the driveway meets the street. Well my landlord gave me some fence posts and said put these in the ground next to the sprinklers so when we put the new ones in that have been broken from being run over, they will see the post and hit the post instead of hit the sprinkler. when I got off work I drove the posts into the ground and then came inside to eat dinner. While eating dinner my wife looks out the window and sees a red truck that looks too close for being on the driveway. We both get up and go outside and I walk over to it and it is parked on top of the post. Within 30 minutes, Helen Keller must have stolen this dudes truck and backed up hitting the post. To top it off he was completely on my grass and when he tried to get off of it he was spinning his tires and left a nice dirt patch. Moral of my rant...I hate bad drivers!

plant one of those hedge plants that grow real thick, then trim it to look like a "finger"..
No alcohol sales on Sunday, although I believe some restaurants are allowed to serve it then. Alcohol is only allowed to be 4% of total volume so Utah alcohol is very weak. Many people go to Idaho or Wyoming to get decent alcohol because of the relatively low alcohol content of the stuff sold here. Only beer is sold in grocery stores, all other alcohol including mikes, smirnoff, and malt beverages like that are only sold at the state liquor store. There are no privately owned liquor stores, all owned by the state. Here is a little more info on it
Utah Dept of Alcoholic Beverage Control
I tell ya what **** me off yesterday. We were having a cookout with friends and family. I had to make a run to the store to get a few things. While in line, I had my hands full and needed to get my I.D out to buy the beer. I set the hand baskett down and my 18yr old son holds the 12pack while I get my wallet out. The lady says I need to see both your I.D's since he held the beer. So they wouldn't sell me the beer because he held it and he's under 21. I thought I knew all the stupid beer laws in my own state, guess not.