Things that **** Me Off (an ongoing thread)


Add that to something that grinds my gears

iPhone (an all around perfect device) has horrible spell check

Absolutely, love the phone, hate the spell check. I feel like a buffoon after sending responses if I don't check it myself first.
at my job we don't call the idiots, idiots, we just figure they are so intelligent we mere mortals cant possibly understand their genius

LOL just read comment under his name "
... is just emptying every pocket
lol arnt we all...
People that don't use their turn signals when its one inch from their finger!

x2, sometimes feel like stopping them just to let them know their signals dont work, nothing wrong with looking out for public safety.

Add me to the list, thats the only thing that will give me road rage.

I have had so many people swerve into where I would have been had I not braked, and all that in a Lexus can be pretty scary "don't scratch the paint, please please don't scratch the paiiiiint"
religion... you have been warned.

I think Faith is a good thing to have, regardless of what religion it is, but Wars have been fought defendding religion, people Die defending religion... IMHO religion, at best, is nothing more than some fables and parables that should be used to guide people to make moral decisions in life... It's not LAW... I mean are we to believe that a senior citizen really built a huge boat, then collected his family and 2 of every animal and insect and put them on the boat as the world flooded for 40 days and 40 nights... Where did all the water com from and where did it go? Matter can not be created nor can it be destroyed, this simply does not seam logical to me.

People that are all God-Squad, in my opinion are just weak minded people that when the feces hits the occalator can't help them selves.

Jps, I couldn't agree more. Religion/faith whatever you would like to call it to me is a personal matter between you and ur god. I cannot stand having a judgmental person telling me my sins, I will have my life judged by one person and one person only.
I agree as well

Religion is good to have and so on, but have you ever noticed that they all say the same thing (in general)

Be good to people

Blah blah golden rule/karma

Blah blah their all the the same!

I think that when you die, you get locked away in your mind. Like if you were good and have no regret your own mind will reward you by letting you live with memories in your mind forever and vice versa if you have regrets.


Sure it's possible that somehow Mary was impregnated by accident without the loss of her virginity with out her husbands knowledge

And how is it possible as stated above that all the animals in the world were put on a boat that was hand made?

Considering that all the stories in the bible have been rewritten millions if times isn't it more likely that they were all vast exaggerations?

I do however believe that when people die they will be with those that they love.

And as an addition to religion and grinding my gears

The bumper sticker that says


isn't that a sin to even say^^
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Jps, great insight, I must rephrase. I will be judged by two people. (but in the end, the opinion of one is the one that matters) and no, that one is not my wife... Lol
Let's everybody chill with the profanity and the vulgar remarks, I've had to edit entirely too many posts in this thread. Never a good idea to talk religion or politics on a public web forum. If this keeps up, I'll lock this thread. Thanks.
religion... you have been warned.

I think Faith is a good thing to have, regardless of what religion it is, but Wars have been fought defendding religion, people Die defending religion... IMHO religion, at best, is nothing more than some fables and parables that should be used to guide people to make moral decisions in life... It's not LAW... I mean are we to believe that a senior citizen really built a huge boat, then collected his family and 2 of every animal and insect and put them on the boat as the world flooded for 40 days and 40 nights... Where did all the water com from and where did it go? Matter can not be created nor can it be destroyed, this simply does not seam logical to me.

People that are all God-Squad, in my opinion are just weak minded people that when the feces hits the occalator can't help them selves.

Finally someone that gets it. =D
religion... you have been warned.

I think Faith is a good thing to have, regardless of what religion it is, but Wars have been fought defendding religion, people Die defending religion... IMHO religion, at best, is nothing more than some fables and parables that should be used to guide people to make moral decisions in life... It's not LAW... I mean are we to believe that a senior citizen really built a huge boat, then collected his family and 2 of every animal and insect and put them on the boat as the world flooded for 40 days and 40 nights... Where did all the water com from and where did it go? Matter can not be created nor can it be destroyed, this simply does not seam logical to me.

People that are all God-Squad, in my opinion are just weak minded people that when the feces hits the occalator can't help them selves.
i grew up Mormon and a few years ago moved out to Utah, and boy was it a culture shock. I was raised outside of Washington D.C. and moving here things are so different because everyones vision is skewed by the church. The state liquor laws are the dumbest in the country, this is the only place i know of that you have to be 19 to buy cigarettes, and if you have tattoo's or piercings you get looked at like your the devil. I agree that religion is a good thing to have, but in Utah it has gone too far. People expect you to live by what they want and treat you differently if you don't see the world the way they do. Most of the people that live in this state are in for a rude awakening if they ever travel to other parts of the country.