I don't want to insult anyone But I know I will so live with it...
The wave isn't gone. the issue you have noticed is the damned JK owners. I know there are many of you that drive JKs that started in something else, YOU are JEEP owners. but these JK owners think they are elites or are people who are clueless or are/// on and on... you can wave at them every single day, coming and going, and for the most part remain clueless. They are not the buy it build it break it fixit break again hard core Jeep owner. Most will trade it in on a Toyota or Isuzu tomorrow if the whim hits. I have four Jeeps in my drive way, the newest is an 06 tj the oldest a 95 zj... my first was a 76 Cherokee S... Ive seen trends and fads but the wave lives on, even coming from Jeepers in JKs but owning a Jeep doesn't automatically make you a Jeeper, This TRUELY IS a Jeep Thing, and most JK drivers Just don't understand, so we need to TEACH them, or convince them to buy Japanese...