the jeep wave


Hey Gang,

We tow our Jeep behind our motorhome when we go camping (ok, Rving) and we usually get a wave from CJ/YJ/TJ's that pass us from behind. When driving the Jeep, if I don't get a wave back, I just wave even more, just to make the others notice. Kinda makes ya wonder why they bought a Jeep in the first place.[addsig]

It does exist! The jeep wave exists! I've been throwing waves out left and right, and I have the "driver's tan" to prove it! Sure, a good few of these s.o.b's don't return the favor. Don't worry though...on monday I'm having dual air-horns installed. I shall be rupturing eardrums of every man and/or woman driving a jeep within my perimeters.


I say theres no better stress relief than heading home with the top down after a long days work and catching a wave from another jeeper - kinda nice to get something positive after a day of bullsh!t at work!


So I'm NOT crazy! My first Jeep (91YJ) brought instant jeep waves from CJ/YJs and it took me a few hours driving around to realize it was a Jeep thing. Now, 5 years later, I've finally got myself another Jeep (94YJ) and sadly only other modified Jeeps have been giving the wave. I've waved at every CJ/YJ/TJ I see for the past week and only two modified CJ/YJs have returned the wave. I won't be detered, however....The Jeep Wave lives on!!



I wave all the time...very rarely do they wave back.all the CJ's do.And when I wave to the girl's in the TJ's I'm ignored
oh wait thats all the time


There is a hierarchy to the Wave. Newer Jeeps should always initiate the Wave to an older one. When age cannot be determined, vehicle mods should be the next measure. If you got a body lift and maybe some trail lights screwed to your bumper that your dad drilled for you and you approach me with fat knobby tires and a suspension lift with tow hooks, skid plates and oil smoking out the back... then you should pay homage and initiate the wave. You have to respect the seniority.

Then to cross the Jeep model barrier for the wave, no wrangler or CJ should ever initiate the wave to the Cherokee or Grand Cherokee. If they know what it's about, they'll start it. Then you know it's ok to wave back. Cause we all know that it sucks to get denied.... and even more so by a non-CJ/YJ/TJ.

Liberty's are just out of the question. Turn the other way, if possible.[addsig]


KEEP JEEPIN!!![addsig]

Hey Fellow Jeepers...... Newbie here.... I just got a 99 Sahara, and although I don't know the difference between a CJ, YJ, or TJ yet, I'm willing to learn and look forward to the new experiences that awiat me around every turn, and over every rock !!!!!!

As far as the wave, it is the most enjoyable thing we've found about the Jeep experience. The feeling of commrodery, and a sense of fitting in. I may not know the "formal rules of hierarchy", but I know that if I wave, 99% of the time, other Jeepers will wave back.

I also have learned that Cherokee and Liberty owners are a part of the masses that "just don't get it".

To all the short wheel bases out there, you've got my wave.



PASmokeater, here is a quick shimmy of the hierarchy. (my family is from York, PA. I'm in Charleston, SC, now, that's why I'm helping you.) Ok here we go... Basically the newer Jeep always initiates the wave unless the newer jeep has more Modifications, i.e. lift, racks, knobby tires, grill guards, louder engine, etc. Since you have a 99, you should almost always initiate the Wave. I have an 89, with a lift, over-the-roof rack, and off road lights, therefore I have to determine if I'm the Waver or the Wavee. When in doubt, just Wave! It's fun.

Here's a basic way to tell the Jeeps apart. 97 and newer (the TJ) have round headlights AND sidemarker likes in the fender. 87-91 have square headlights and a downsloping rear rollbar, 92-95 are the same as 87-91 except they have the full rollbars that go back to the upper corners before re-joining the Jeep tub... same rollbar as yours. 87-95 are called YJ. Wranglers were not made in 96. CJ can denote many different Jeeps. It stands for Civilian Jeep. The CJ's all have round headlights with the sidemarker lights on the grille, unlike yours. CJ-7s have a U shaped lower door frame, CJ-5s have the S shaped lower door frame. CJ-8s are the same as CJ-7s but they have a longer wheelbase and longer "bed".

Well, I guess that wasn't short, but hopefully you'll take something from it. Welcome to the Fleet of the Elite... Jeeps!

ps. tell your state Congratulations on rescuing those miners!

hi_c, thanks agian for the advice and the facts. I look forward to learning all the ins and outs about my fellow jeepers. [addsig]

Hello Fellow Jeepers,

I know I'm new here, but I thought you might find this interesting. Being on vacation this week, and thinking nothing more fun than driving around my area, I thought I might actually do something productive. I decided to do a little "wave survey". The following are the results of my little experiment.

Of 15 waves handed out before 9:00 am, only 2 were returned, by mid 20's men with tops down and doors off.My theory, coffee before waves. 10 waves to men 30 to 40 most in ties, 3 returned. 6 waves to men 16 to 20, none returned. I think it's to hard to wave and adjust the base on the radio at the same time. 8 waves to females, various ages, 1 returned. 10 waves to Cherokees and Libertys, none returned, but alot of blank stares


One thing you have to keep in mind is that this experiment was done in a suburb of Philadelphia, where the most off road use these vehicles get is mall parking lots.

The bottem line is that (in this area, at least) the wave appears to be a dying tradition.

Don't despare though, this Jeeper will continue to pass along the wave.



Yep the majority of waves I hand out are met with blank stares

But since I am driving my car now,I am seeing all the cool jeeps and I want to wave but I would probably get blank stares wondering why some guy in a chevy beretta just waved at them

I got my 95' YJ about 6 months ago and I was wondering what all of the waving was about. I live in a fairly small town (about 30.000 ppl) but it has an Air Force base so there are a lot of jeeps here. I asked one of my good friends about it about 2 weeks after I bought my jeep. He has an identical jeep but his is black and auto
Anyway he said "Yeah they all do the same thing to me too." I wave at all the jeeps now TJ,YJ,and CJ and almost everyone waves back.....I guess its just a craze here.[addsig]

Hey there Jeep Fans! The Wave is alive in my area very much so. I am lucky enough to live in the mountians. We miss a bunch of school and work days each year due to snow. We have alot of backwoods areas. Jeeps are common here and just about any wave offered is returned. I wave at everyone I pass on the road, and most all wave back! However the Jeep wave is the best of all. Here is is kind of a special cool wave with the palm down and the hand moves in kind of a sweaping motion. All the jeepers here seem to know this special wave and use it only for each other, CJs rule here, Followed by the YJs, then the new TJs are last to know and use this wave but they are learning. Tug[addsig]


yea when I was driving my mazda I would wave to jeeps just because I wanted to be the person driving matter what it was cj, yj, or tj. now that I have mine I wave to all I see. There are lots of nice cars/trucks out there....but nothing like a jeep [addsig]

I personally don't initiate the wave, because I have no mods, except a loud stereo that the original owner put in. But if they wave to me I wave back. Also there are too many Jeeps here and most of them never see dirt unless the wind blows it in from the mesa.[addsig]

This is to bigToDD. By not initiating the wave, you are adding to the decay of the jeep wave tradition. Think of it as the military, when you are a private, you are new, have no decorations or large accomplishments and for lack of a better word, a pee-on. As you get medals and bars and decorations, or lift, meats, and lockers, you gain respect. Therefore other pee-ons will initiate the wave.

It is ok to deny the wave to non-CJ/YJ/TJ Jeep vehicles. While they bear the same name, they are not the same. It's like we are the army, and where the liberty and cherokees and grand cherokees wear the same flag as us, they are still squids, jar-heads, and fly-boys. Clear?!

So just initiate it, and keep it alive. Even if you get denied by a fellow Jeeper, you never know when you are teaching someone the Wave for the first time. You were a newbie not too long ago...



when im having a bad day, ill get in my rig and drive around untill i find another jeep and we exchange waves. it always brightenes my day and i get a real kick out of it. On the flip side i pisses me off when i give and dont recieve (its that way w/ most things in my life, but we wont go there). I always give the driver the benifit of the doubt abd assume they either didn't know or were too caught up in something else to wave back. Everyone in a jeep, even if its just a cheerleader who asked daddy to buy her a convertable, deserves some respect, i mean, its a jeep[addsig]

To Hi C, I totally see your point. I have waved to a few and no one has waved back. The only time was a few years ago that some girl pulled up next to me and waved. So I waved back, because she was cute. Turns out that she was hardcore into Jeeps and at that time I knew nothing about them and was driving my friends Jeep. I will now get one of those little plastic hands on a spring that constantly waves