I purchased my first jeep around 6 yrs ago, a 92' yj 4.0 which I still have, only modified. I have since added an 88' GW, and a 67' M715 Kaiser Jeep. I wave at all jeeps, it doesn't matter what model. As far as who should wave first, it's definitely a year/make/modification thing. Just remember, if the other jeep is older than yours, you better be wavin first regardless of mods. If you come across any ex-military jeep, you better have your arm out the window showing respect, it's earned it! I love to see the wave so keep it going!
I purchased my first jeep around 6 yrs ago, a 92' yj 4.0 which I still have, only modified. I have since added an 88' GW, and a 67' M715 Kaiser Jeep. I wave at all jeeps, it doesn't matter what model. As far as who should wave first, it's definitely a year/make/modification thing. Just remember, if the other jeep is older than yours, you better be wavin first regardless of mods. If you come across any ex-military jeep, you better have your arm out the window showing respect, it's earned it! I love to see the wave so keep it going!