New member
All of this Jeep Wave talk has been an eye opener for me. Today I a driveing along with work on my mind the rain was raining and the stereo was blareing some insult to my head I spilt my coffee and out of the corner of my eye I see this nice young person in a like new TJ just a waveing like he should. I missed the return of the wave. I felt bad. The traffic was very thin so I looked in my rear view for a cop saw none. looked to the left right ahead all was clear so I did the short wheel base U turn. I ran hard cought up and at the next light I got out ran up and said Sorry I missed your wave Dude! and gave him a great big Jeepz.com special! Should have seen the smile. I look forward to seeing him wave again I shall not miss it again. Tug
All of this Jeep Wave talk has been an eye opener for me. Today I a driveing along with work on my mind the rain was raining and the stereo was blareing some insult to my head I spilt my coffee and out of the corner of my eye I see this nice young person in a like new TJ just a waveing like he should. I missed the return of the wave. I felt bad. The traffic was very thin so I looked in my rear view for a cop saw none. looked to the left right ahead all was clear so I did the short wheel base U turn. I ran hard cought up and at the next light I got out ran up and said Sorry I missed your wave Dude! and gave him a great big Jeepz.com special! Should have seen the smile. I look forward to seeing him wave again I shall not miss it again. Tug