Test time


New member
Well i'm taking the A.C.T in the morning. Kinda nervous i haven't taken it since the 7th grade(i made a 26) and i'm really hoping for at least a 30. Wish me luck, my future depends on it.
Nervous, Matt
30+ is almost instant admission to any school you want. We have a brain on our hands ladies and gents.

Make sure you eat a good breakfast, but don't over do it. You want most of your blood going to your head. Careful on the coffee and such things, because you want your mind to be focused soley on the material and not on your bladder and bowels. Sounds stupid, but studies show comfort is a full 2 points difference on average!

You'll do fine, 26 in 7th is excellent is it not?
Yeah i was part of a talent search thing for Duke university. Did better than 85% of seniors that took it that year and out of the other 7th graders i scored in the top 2 percent in the nation. 16 7th graders from TN made it to state recognition and only 2 made it to national(i never met the other kid). It was kinda fun gettin to receive my award in the chapel at duke(got a medal and everything!). With a 26 i could have a free ride to UT knox but i'm setting a personal goal of at least 30. Well i'm for real off to bed or i might not even make a 20!:(