need help making a CJ fuel guage work with YJ tank
I am going to Tellico between September 17-24. I will be there with the Orlando Jeep Club. It would be nice to meet some of you up there!!! Let me know if you decide to come by.
Yeah, YJTino, what's your schedule gonna be down there? Staying all week? I'm working 4 10's right now so I've got a little more free time. Got family coming in to visit so I don't think we can spend the night, but it's definitely commutable for us.
Hey Mud4feet!!!! I sent you a private message with my cell #. I will be leaving Florida at 8 am tomorow. I will camp at the Craford's campground until the 23 September. You can call me at any time. We have one day of rafting and a lot of trail ride on the program. I don't know much about the place so it should be a good adventure. :wink:
Is it ever not rainin down there? You'd think it was Seattle :roll:
A group from our jeep club went down there last month, raining then too. They had to help winch two jeeps up off the entrance road, seems that was about the worst section