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Ive seen too many jeepers driving around lately with their doors on! Enjoy it while you can! What other vehicle can you do this with!!! I even drive on the highway with the doors off, get some strange ass looks but I love it! So jeepers get out there, take those bolts off and put your doors in the garage![addsig]


Ok I am right on it, oh wait we have a tropical storm coming
never mind I will wait a few days.......... :-D :-O :lol: :-O :-D [addsig]

I know what you mean, ive had my doors and top off for almost a week now and I see sooo many jeeps with tops and doors. (if its nice out....What are you thinking?) I never thought of how strange it looks to other people on the highway, but oh well, I love fresh air. I washed and waxed miss purple yesterday and my doors are sitting on the side of the house still dirty from the last rain. :p [addsig]

i got a 137$ fine last summer for not having mine on.so i have to keep the half doors on and it sucks.[addsig]


Why did you get the fine did you not have mirrors???? :-? [addsig]

i got a 137$ fine last summer for not having mine on.so i have to keep the half doors on and it sucks. cj5 steve.

What is your 'Geo locale' Sir.?
I hope the fine wasn't in My
"neck of the woods"'

Contact the court clerk.

Get a FREE court date.

Maybe the County aDa,
is in a good mood, dismiss,

or the Brother Blue, will be
busy writing tickets, dismissed.[addsig]

In Texas you are just required to have a
dirvers side mirror to see out of ....and that
is also part of the state inspection.....but that
would be the only thing they could give you a ticket
for is no mirrors........... :-O :-O :-O [addsig]


i live in pa.i was going to fight the ticket but way to busy with work and what not easier to pay the fine as much as it sucks.i had a driver side mirror and a rear veiw.if it ever happens again i will fight it.a friend of mine just became a lawyer!!![addsig]

Rock on and don't Roll it's not much fun
but enjoy yoour jeep and take the doors
off the cop was mad because he didn't have a jeep
Hahahahahaha Anyways have a good one...... :-D [addsig]

my doors are just collecting dust in my closet, have had them off for well over a month. drive on the highway all the time, in the rain. no trouble

its the only way to drive. bj[addsig]


if you think you get funny looks with no doors, try putting the windshield down[addsig]

What other vehicle can you do this with!!

A couple! FJ40's, zukies, and 66-77 broncos to name a couple!

In theory, any car can have the door removed, just depends on how bad you want them to go back on![addsig]


I never heard of getting a fine for the doors being off. I talked to my friend who is a cop in NJ. He said the only way to get a ticket is if you didn't have mirrors. At least here in NJ[addsig]

This is what mine will look like all summer...


is it legal to drive with the windwhield down?i didnt think it was but then again maybe thats just around here.[addsig]


I've had my top off since late April and I love it. Whenever it rains I just put a car cover on and my Jeep is fine. Now you all got me thinking about getting my doors off. I will have to get a mirror relocator before I do remove my doors or I'll get a ticket within an hour of driving. Cops are pretty tough here. (South Texas) -al[addsig]

No on the high way it is illegal to drive with your
windsheild down/ for safety reasons......... :-D [addsig]

thought so.wish i could legally take my doors off.i probably will do it anyway.catch me if you can!!!!!! :p [addsig]


You can take them off but you just have
to have your mirrors on, so........ :-D [addsig]