swapping lockers.....


New member
A friend gave me a lock rite locker (the one that just replaces the spider gears) for a dana 35 rear axle.... Is there any way I can put that on my front axle instead of the rear or are the splines different?

I don't think it will swap if your front axle is a model 30 with 27 splines. I could be wrong.
All I can add is the lock-rite has different part numbers for the 30 v/s 35. Although I believe they are both 27 spline.
Carriers also have different part numbers, the huge difference that I can think of is if it is from a D35 with C-clips, that will definatly not fit a D30 carrier with out major mods, as for the Non-c-clip D35 axles... Maybe, just measure teh inside of the different carriers, if you with in 100 thousandth of an inch tolerences, F-it and do it.