Steering Stabilizer Install


Active member
I just put a new steering stabilizer on my TJ and there were no instructions so I had to guess on the install. In the picture, the old one was mounted inside the bracket where the bolt and lockwasher are now. With the hardware supplied it looked like the only way to install it was on the outside of it. Look right to you?


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Is it me, or the screw on the steering link looks bent? When I changed mine, I found a couple of articles online on the procedure... Those did not help with getting the castle nut out, which was a real PITA, but it helped in getting everything where it was suppossed to be (although mine is a YJ, and I am pretty sure the position of the components is different).
I think the stabilizer should go between the brackets. It was a pain in the but to get wedged in there though. If memory serves, I had to wet it to get it to pop in.

Here's mine:


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I'm inclined to agree with Terry's setup and that the stabilizer goes on the inside of that bracket, not on the outside.

does a new steering stabilizer make a big difference? mine looks origonal and with 140K on it i'm sure it will make it not wander as much?
At first i started to put in inside the bracket and I probably could have made it work but the boldt would not have worked. My bolt is different than yours Terry. Mine is completely flat on the left side where yours you could put a wrench on. My bolt is not threaded all the way to the flat part and the part that is not threaded would not fit through the bracket holes. So when I say this was the only way to install it, it really was the only way. I could probably make it fit but I'd have to buy new nut/bolt to fit. The bag the hardware came in had a diagram that showed where the spacer (left side of bracket) lock washer and bolt went and I duplicated that. Maybe I'll just take it somewhere and have them look at it.

97teejay, it made a big difference on mine. Cured the Death Wobble. I don't know if there is any reason to replace it if you don't have a problem. The guy at 4Wheel Parts told me that there had been a recall on mine and I should change it no matter what.
At first i started to put in inside the bracket and I probably could have made it work but the boldt would not have worked. My bolt is different than yours Terry. Mine is completely flat on the left side where yours you could put a wrench on. My bolt is not threaded all the way to the flat part and the part that is not threaded would not fit through the bracket holes. So when I say this was the only way to install it, it really was the only way. I could probably make it fit but I'd have to buy new nut/bolt to fit. The bag the hardware came in had a diagram that showed where the spacer (left side of bracket) lock washer and bolt went and I duplicated that. Maybe I'll just take it somewhere and have them look at it.

I think you should install it inside the bracket as well; mine fit fine there... Also, when I installed my telescopic trackbar, which is installed outside the bracket, it required using a collar to keep the strength of the mount itself; it seems to me that in your case one is not installed, and this could cause damage to the bracket when under load... Just my 2 cents.

does a new steering stabilizer make a big difference? mine looks origonal and with 140K on it i'm sure it will make it not wander as much?

97teejay, it made a big difference on mine. Cured the Death Wobble. I don't know if there is any reason to replace it if you don't have a problem. The guy at 4Wheel Parts told me that there had been a recall on mine and I should change it no matter what.

Mine did not make much of a difference, but mostly because (1) I am running 31 inch tires, and (2) I think the old one was still working fine even after about 110K miles. But for $30, I just felt better knowing that I had one that woked and that was ready for my planned 33" upgrade!

I wouldn't take it anywhere, just go to home depot and buy a bolt that will fit through both sides.

I think these things are pretty universal, I know mine came with a bag of hardware for all types of vehicles.

Your current setup will probably work fine - the only problem I can think of is that there will be more stress on that bolt the way it is than if it was supported on both sides..
South, the way your bolt is installed in the bracket, there is more sheering force being put on the bolt which can cause the bolt to fail much quicker and under less load than if the bolt were installed through the bracket as shown in Terry's pictures. The hardware that came with the kit is likely rated Grade 5, and will work just fine when properly installed. If I were you, I'd get a replacement bolt that has a wrench-able head on it to work for your application. Take the nut with you to the store to check the threading if you plan on re-using the nut.

South, the way your bolt is installed in the bracket, there is more sheering force being put on the bolt which can cause the bolt to fail much quicker and under less load than if the bolt were installed through the bracket as shown in Terry's pictures. The hardware that came with the kit is likely rated Grade 5, and will work just fine when properly installed. If I were you, I'd get a replacement bolt that has a wrench-able head on it to work for your application. Take the nut with you to the store to check the threading if you plan on re-using the nut.

I took it to the alignment shop around the corner where I'd just had an alignment done a few months ago and had them look at it. He said it was fine. I'm not so sure. I think I will be taking your advice and mounting it within the bracket.
South, Death wobble eh? I have a hard time figuring out what is normal and what isn't but it sure does seem to have a lot of side to side movement exspecially when a i shift, i find my self correcting the steering a lot. For $30 bucks i'm sure i will just pick up one and do it. Mine is definently origonal and with a 140K i'm sure it's ready for retirement.
For the record this did not cure the death wobble but just masked it a bit. It used to do it on a few hard bumps but not anymore on those. It does still do it while driving about 50 then the wobble slowly starts and increases in intensity until I slow down.

I had 4Wheel parts check out the DW and remount the steering stabilizer correctly and they seem to think it is the tires that are causing the wobble. We'll see.

Make sure the wheels are clean with no buildup of dirt (from the earlier pictures they appear clean). A buildup of dirt on the inside of the wheel can cause an out-of-balance issue, and lead to the vehicle wobbling. Have your wheels/tires balanced. Drive around a while after that to see if the problem persists. If it continues, let us know.
I know this is a little late, but I was reading about the wobble. I had a 1988 Toyota with 33's and when I hit around 55-60 mph oh the interstate, the thing shook my teeth out. I had it back and forth a few times to the tire shop to check the balance. Nothing helped, so I jacked the back end up in the air, chocked the front wheels and started the truck and put it in gear. Come to find out, the tread on both rear wheels were very wavey and causing the tire bounce and wobble. Keep in mind, these were brand new tires with only about 1,000 miles on them when I found the tread problem.