Something wicked this way HUMS! ... and still no Jeep


New member
The Cicadas have invaded. Those of you who have never heard of cicadas, we here in Maryland and a few surrounding areas have a phenomenon known as the 17 year locust. It's a butt-ugly crusty stupid ignorant bug that comes up out of the ground every 17 years to shed a shell, fly for the first time, mate, lay eggs, then die. Makes for loud nights, torn up lawns, splattered windsheilds, and state-wide litter of bug guts and carcasses. It's just great :roll: . Here' the first one I saw today:


*On another note*
The '87 YJ I am supposed to have already bought is still at the current owner's house. He was swapping the wheels back to the stock ones and stripped 2 lug nuts on one wheel. He has been fighting this for a week and a half. The lug nuts have a cap and if the cap is off you need a smaller socket. I guess he tried to turn it with the larger one (twice?!?!?!). He is supposed to work on it tonight and drive it to work tomorrow but I have no confidence in that.

man..them bugs make me would be one thing if they didn't fly like they were drunk...I gotta watch out everytime i walk past bushes and stuff. I hate them!
I have heard of those bugs. 17 year locusts or something like that. I think that guy doesnt want to let go of that YJ. Maybe he is causing more trouble so you wont buy it. Maybe you should go check out the YJ for yourself and have him show you the busted stuff.
When I lived in Northern Kentucky I remember when we were invaded by thoes evil things. I hated mowing the grass or using a weedeater caus they would dive bomb me. The local radio station there "WEBN" had contests on who could eat the most of them.

Those things are gross. We have them in New Mexico (not that I live there anymore) and they are big, and have a propensity for running into your lid. Close your mouth, they are juicy.
bunch of pansies..................up here in canada we trap our mosquito's and sell the pelts to american clothing and garment companies!

The moment your national haircut isn't the "Mullet" then you can call me a pansy. Just kidding yo! Heehehehehehee. :lol:

Yeah they're ugly up there (Mosquitos), but spend a summer in Lousiana, I think they have you beat. Holy chrimeny those things are as big as Sessnas!
it makes you wonder why some creatures even exist... just to show up for a bit, breed, then die.... but then if you think of it on a larger scale... us humans do it too
Hey Twisted, just go over there with your tools and rip that wheel off! He is probably just lolygaging around not getting to it. After you get the wheel off give yourself a discount on the price.


I used to LOVE to sleep to durring the day, with Cicadas SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEching and rain falling on a Tin roof with the ever so often ::: BANG, BANG BANG Rooooooooooollllllllllll:::: Of the Peacans falling from the tree. Oh yes To be home again
Hey newbie just wanted to point out the best southern bumper sticker I ever saw. "Happiness is ten thousand Yankees going north with a canadian under each arm" hehehe just had to punch a little jab back at you.

Twisted we to get them wonerfull little creatures ever 17 years as well. They serve as a time line for me! where was I last time they came out to play.

As for your jeep YJ deal rent a roll back tow dolley or what ever and go get it if it aint driveable. Never let a butt head stand between you and your new toys.

Jason aint them pecons, heeh tug
The weird thing is, we have these A LOT more often than 17 years. Almost yearly. was only like 4 years ago that so many came out in South Carolina that the woods sounded like a million man loggin company was out there with chainsaws. I have had one of those dang things hit me in the hand while cruizing at around 60mph DANG does THat hurt

lol..just finished watching a documentation about that bug...
actually it's pecans :wink: .

The cicadas are really coming out now. Man they're nasty! :?

The YJ guy said he bought a special craftsman socket for the lugs and promises to do it this evening. :roll:

Yeah right, and I'm one of the dancers in L33T's sig :lol:

I offered to head over and help him. no go.


Down here on the shore of Maryland, were promised to not have those darn pesky bugs too bad this year! Supposedly all the agriculture is going to not allow them the space or luxuries to hunker down in, oh that and the pesticides and whatnot too.

Hey, we got chickens by the kamillions. If we can get through living with those lovely creatures daily, then we can handle a locust.

I did hear that up your way was going to get slammed. I remember the last time they came. It was pretty neat, I was a kid at camp and like picking up the husks of the dead ones.

L33, I love to hear them too and it is relaxing to me too. Give me a breeze, some locusts (or bullfrogs) and I'm kicked back.

Let us know how it goes TC!
OH, btw....Something wicked this way comes was one of my FAV movies when small. That is a WICKED memory. I'd love to find that movie again.

Sorry bout the Jeep. :(

Hey, they have 20 or 25 yr locusts took, something else to look forward too.

LadyJeepFreak said:
Hey, they have 20 or 25 yr locusts took, something else to look forward too.


:shock: :shock: :shock:

Snitty - they just all come every 17 years. There's always a few confused stragglers a year or two before and after, but I hadn't seen any.

weve got those here in virginia, but you know what you do with em? you catch one and tie a string to it and youve got an amusing toy!