Something wicked this way HUMS! ... and still no Jeep

they run anywhere from 4 to 20 years, different species in different areas.. this year is particularly bad because you have the 8 year and 17 year locusts....
graewulf said:
they run anywhere from 4 to 20 years, different species in different areas.. this year is particularly bad because you have the 8 year and 17 year locusts....
I've been here a long time and no 8 yr locusts here. These aren't really locusts, they're cicadas.

every spring here in central florida we have tiny black and orange grasshoppers that come out in force. they grow quickly and change to black and yellow. after about 2.5 to 3 months they are about 3 inches long and eat every green thing in sight. They are called locusts here
Here in Utah we dont get alot of the cicadas. What we get is sheildback Kadydid known as the Mormon Cricket

These (crickets) swarm in the millions every year and plague the local farmers...and the 4x4 clubs. Our last little outing was to a OHV park called 5 mile pass. as we was wheeling down the road we drove through a swarm...needless to say our jeeps were covered in dead crickets, the underside was covered in cricket parts!
I would be very willin to trade you crickets for a few cicadas...any takers?
:lol: I thought those two bugs were the same, locusts and cicadas. At least the same family if nothing else

Cricket Guts??? NO THANK YOU!


mmmmmmm bug guts.

This is really disgusting, but the U of Maryland just put out a Cicada cookbook. Yes really. While in D.C. I saw a woman hand picking cicadas and putting them in a bucket. I try no to think about why :?
college kid lookin to lift

we got slugs last year... everywhere i went... slugs stuck to my jeep all over
Actually, if you have a chance, use em as bait for bass fishing. They squirm a lot, and make all sorts of ruckuss when you hook em. They also stay alive after hooked for quite awhile. Just get on a canoe, troll the shores and drop your cidada off the side and I guarantee something will take the bait!!

They move so much the bass can't resist. Yellow and Black I imagine are all the more appetizing!