something new: hiss from gas tank area


New member
Ok, just got in from a 98 mile trip. As I pulled in I somehow heard a hissing-type noise over the sound of my exhaust. I got out to check and it seemes to be coming from the drivers side rear over the gas tank (where the lines go in, but I can not see up into there). what the heck could this be, is it dangerous, how do i make it go away? Your advice is appreciated! jered

drivetrain/wheel bearing grinding sound?

If it is venomous it most definately could be dangerous :shock:

that is where the fuel pump is, on the driver's side rear. Maybe it is going up. Have you had any problems like stalling or hesitation?

When it makes this noise, stick your head under there and see if it is what is making the sound. If it is dark out, don't use a lighter for light :lol:


JeredYJ said:
Ouch... how much will that run me and can I do it by myself (any special tools needed???) thanks. jered

Make sure before you do.
Look around.
I would hut a parts store, should be pretty common. I would think it would be an ez intall. Definately a do-it-yourselfer. Get a $12 chiltons or Haynes manual if you're not sure.
I'm home for the weekend so I left the Haynes manual back at college. Do you know if you have to drop the tank on a 91 yj to change the fuel pump? jered
Braincramp. That's the fuel filter location I mentioned earlier. I believe the pump is in the tank incorporated with the sending unit , but you don't need to drop the tank. You will have to drain the tank and remove the skid plate to get to it.