So to make matters worse...


well, a beautiful woman in distress or out of tools! I live in Massachusetts, I will be right over! An not to mention single, unfortunate accident, The wife was in a horrible washer and dryer collision at the laundry-mat :-? - so what are you doing this friday :-)

Just kidding, the wife is just fine, everyone knows I do the laundry, and don't tell her I said that, she is getting tired of hear the same old lines! hehe! :-?



You mean your wheel tilts?? Impressive!

LOL, I was thinking the same thing. And his seat reclines!!!!!!!!

What? Yours doesn't? My YJ has tilt and reclining seats...I thought it was standard. I know some dont have the fold and tumble rear though (mine has that too).

Oh yeah....don't you already have a girlfriend Nate? Hahaha[addsig]

I even have full cloth seats, no vinyle here to rip. 97K on the clock and they look perfect no rips or tears. You wouldn't have known that they have been under water, mud dirt. The only option that my YJ doesn't have is A/c and Automatic transmission. [addsig]

I wish my wheel would tilt....but unfortunately it doesn't. However, my seat does recline ;-) Hahahaha, jokin...that's almost impossible in a jeep, I've tried it!!! I got it open by the thank you everyone for all the suggestions. I'm going to start a new messageboard about the muffler situation![addsig]


Yeah I have the cloth seats as well...gotta love em. Boy them vinyl seats get HOT as hell in the summer. My buddy is so envious of my cloth seats (his are the vinyl).[addsig]

sammy, make sure you post that PM nate sent you out here on the board so we can all see it lol, you know so we can see what we're up against :lol: and yea nate what about that girlfriend? if nate gets sammy, i call robs daughter for the get-to-gether :-P

edited by: jeepmaster, Apr 02, 2003 - 09:49 PM[addsig]


First of all, why don't I get to claim someone from the get-to-gether (as opposed to being claimed)? And second, there's a get-to-gether? Where? For those of you that have seen my site, my girl Danielle is getting a jeep soon and we'd love to come. I vote to have it in Michigan![addsig]

Hey Sammy!

I'm in Michigan every fall (usually in Sept) to visit family (Escanaba in the UP) and always cruise though downstate to go to my alma mater, Michigan're somewhere beneath the bridge aren't you?


Just curious, Patti ;-) [addsig]

Right now I'm at school in Grand Rapids, but in the Sept. I'll be in Lapeer (a little East of Flint). Ever roll through Silver Lake? Good times! Sand dunes are the best.[addsig]