well, a beautiful woman in distress or out of tools! I live in Massachusetts, I will be right over! An not to mention single, unfortunate accident, The wife was in a horrible washer and dryer collision at the laundry-mat :-? - so what are you doing this friday
Just kidding, the wife is just fine, everyone knows I do the laundry, and don't tell her I said that, she is getting tired of hear the same old lines! hehe! :-?
well, a beautiful woman in distress or out of tools! I live in Massachusetts, I will be right over! An not to mention single, unfortunate accident, The wife was in a horrible washer and dryer collision at the laundry-mat :-? - so what are you doing this friday

Just kidding, the wife is just fine, everyone knows I do the laundry, and don't tell her I said that, she is getting tired of hear the same old lines! hehe! :-?