Sell her?


New member
My 92 YJ is in the shop right now getting a new engine put in. When it comes out it will have a 50,000 mile warranty, which is great! The bad part is, and I posted this earlier, the 2nd gear was grinding pretty bad and I think the synchronizer is shot. I put it some Synchromesh and that didnt seem to help. I can shift at certain speeds and it wont grind. Do you guys think I will be replacing the transmission soon? I can't afford to do another major repair, so I was thinking of selling it when it gets out of the shop. What would you guys do?

You have a brand new engine. I would keep it and deal with the transmission when the time comes. If you can find the point were you get no grinding you will prolong the life of the transmission and can wait longer before replacing.
well.. you tried the $20 for the synchromesh... now try the redline oil... MT90 or MTL will be what you want... no oil will FIX the problem, but possibly stop it from getting worse... and don't forget... the old transmissions of the past were never synchronized.. it IS possible to drive with no synchronizers.. BUT... you have to get the "double clutch" technique down... that must have SUCKED for the pioneers of the automobile... the best advice I could give you would be to start looking for a new transmission... and if you can find one right away, have it installed with the new motor

What kind of lift and size of tires, wheels???

i think he just means getting the rpms to right point where the gear will engage the best, and syncromesh is a transmission fluid made by penzoil that works very well, reduces grinding, all that good stuff.
actually, "double clutch" is a technique where you press the clutch, shifr to neutral, let the clutch out, push it back in, shift to new gear, let it out... its a pain in the a$$.... i'd look for another transmission, even a junkyard one if its off the right vehicle.
Definitely keep. You can find a junkyard transmission and swap it in without too much work. Get a friend and a Haynes manual and you should be able to do it yourself. If you go this route, change the clutch while you're there. Might not hurt to change the slave cylinder as well since it is inside the bell housing on your 92 YJ.

You never stated your engine size, but go with the AX5/15, and stay away from the Peugot BA5/10. Those are bad.