Screw Daimler-Chrysler


New member

I got some horrible news. The dealership said that the damage to my Jeep was due to abuse. I was told by the service manager that they were not going to cover the work by the warranty. I was told the damages were going to cost me almost $2000 for a new clutch, slave cyclinder, and various other service work. He said that I have to clean the mud from the undercarriage before I can drive on the highway. I had a long discussion with him about how there products commercials never show a Jeep on the roadway, always offroad. Every publication showing a Jeep is in deep mud or rolling over logs and rocks. All he did was give me the main office number in Detriot. I am beginning to think buying a Jeep was a bad idea. :-( :-O :-(

edited by: Copper42, Jun 26, 2003 - 01:08 PM[addsig]


Guess it's time to get your Jeepin buds near you to help you do the work yourself, and save yourself tons of $$$[addsig]

I would send a bill
to Chryslers Advertising Department.

How much of what happened did you
tell the dealer. I would have said as
little as possible, cleaned it up spotless,
and said ,,, Geee I don't know what is
wrong..... :roll:

At least that's what crosses MY mind,
right before K9 get's her weekly mud
bath for beauty. (below) :-D

edited by: USMPK9, Jun 26, 2003 - 07:53 PM[addsig]


Sad part is I am the only guy with a Jeep that I know.

Scratch that Sir. You've got plenty of friends,
Remind me your Geo Locale, ???

You never know, ya may have help closer
than you think.[addsig]

you should defintly not let this go you need to call that number he gave you at the very least. If you persue it and take it far enough i bet thell cover it. keep us posted . :-x [addsig]


Driving a Jeep dirty is not a good idea but its not a reason for a clutch not to work. Sitting in the mud such as your pict there may get some dirty water into the bell houseing but it should not ruin a clutch. It may make the throw out bearing stick on the shaft but i doubt it. It may cause some premature failure if not cleaned out but few of us ever take the inspection cover off to look at the clutch after weve been in water. The cover should be on good in a new Jeep so dirt large enough to hurt anything should not get in. Unless your clutch was slipping while you were driving why should the clutch be bad. Get under that Jeep and take that inspection cover off yourself and see whats happening with the engine off. Get your freind to sit in the car and push the clutch. Does the throw out bearing slide and push the pressure plate. You could see it happen. Buy a Jeep manual and take a look at how its put together. The pressure plate will release just enough for it to allow the clutch disc to spin. If the pressure plate is moving and there is no broken parts or oil leaking from the hose or the bearing. Your problem changing gears could be in the transmission. What is it doing now when you drive it. My bet something broke and the dealer is blaming it on driving offroad to get some extra cash out of you. Hose it off and go to another dealer. You do have a choice. If you could limp it over to another dealer and have some knowledge behind what your saying it helps alot.[addsig]

Detroit is who you want to call. Complain to the right people there and it might get fixed for little or nothing. I used to own a 2000 Neon and used to follow the neon crowd on the net. The 1st generation neons were notorious for blowing head gaskets. Some blew with less than 20k miles others didn't blow until 70k or more. Some people who called corporate and complained got it replaced for nothing, some paid $100 even though their cars we out of warranty. So it shows it pays to call Detroit, it just may help you out.[addsig]

Keep your head up! It is much much worse with GM and FORD. If everybody knew the dark side of these cars, American Car companies would either go out of business or be forced to produce quality cars. All you have to do to get your Jeep fixed is be able to "talk the talk and walk the walk" . Show the dealer that you are not going to allow them to mess with you. Make them understand that if they do not fix your Jeep according to the warranty Jeep has on it, that you will call your old college buddy, who happens to be an attorney and file a lawsuit against them. Of course you aren't going to want to spend all that money on an attorney, but rather messing with you and risking a lawsuit, They will probably have a change of heart. Call the number they gave you and tell them that you bought a Jeep cause they represent America! That you expect QUALITY from Daimler-Chrysler and especially JEEP. Be sure not to tell them about the abuse you have put your Jeep through! They will use that against you and beat you. Like many others have said, your Jeep should be totally fine even with all the stuff you put it through. Also, like others have suggested, know what you are TALKING ABOUT! Go in there and challenge their diagnosis. You just have to stand up for yourself or you will be out $2,000! I wish I could go in there and teach those Service managers a lesson. I have done it before at a Pontiac Dealership, and that was fun. Just to see their puzzled look when I corrected the BULL $HIT they where telling me was priceless. To think that this guy had the nerve to tell me that the gauges tell the computer what to do! That the computer listens to the gauges in my GRAND AM. When I called him on it he tried to play it off and then admitted to me that he did not know much about the subject and that he would bring in his master tech. to talk to me about my car. I finally got them to fix my car, and all it cost me is a repair manual, time and the best pocker face I've ever had. Sorry for the long post, but this gets me fired up. -Al

:-x :-x [addsig]


I think the thing you may have them on is they ALREADY did warranty work on your ride for the same reason they are denying you coverage now.

This is what I would do. Clean up your Jeep so it's spotless, dress nicely and drive it back to the dealership. Go to the dealership's General Manager and explain what has happened thus far. If you get nowhere with him, demand to speak with the owner of the dealership. If you get nowhere on the dealer level then call Chrysler and give them the song and dance. Just remember to keep stressing that they fixed the problem once under warranty and question why they will not warranty the repair they just made. Keep plugging at them and someone will fold.

Worst case senario go back to the dealership and start telling all the people looking at buying new cars what terrible service this place has given you. Start blowing sales for them and I think they will change there tune about a little service for you.[addsig]

I called Detroit as soon as they opened this morning. They had a file on my Jeep. The guy on the phone told me my problem before I told him. He said the district service manager made a decision not to honor the warranty because of mud contamination. No matter what I said, he just kept saying, the corporation has decided not honor the warranty due to abuse.[addsig]


Does the bill that they gave you after the first warranty work have a written gaurantee from the dealership itself? If it does, bring it to the dealerships attention that they said that the problem was fixed when they returned the Jeep to you with their GAURANTEE. If you don't get anywhere, and as a last resort, I'd say consult with an attorney. Your Jeep is TOO new with too few miles not to have a warranty. If they've denied you coverage this early they will continue to deny it for WHATEVER they can try to blame on your first mud-dip. Just my .02[addsig]

I think if you gave us all the dealerships nukmber that you went to, then maybe if we all called them and gave them a peace of our minds anf how we feel about the way they are trating a fellow jeeper then it ight helpp out some.. If not then maybe we all could do a little phone service to Daimler-Chrysler..

Any ways let me know and I'll call them too..

Good luck and don't give up.

OlllllO [addsig]

Thanks for the support everyone. It's real nice to have a bunch of folks you haven't met in person standing behind you.[addsig]


I cant believe they are not honoring your warranty. :-x Makes me angry to know that the people at Diamler Chrysler dont honor peoples warranty's to people who use their jeeps. Sully

edited by: Sully, Jun 27, 2003 - 07:33 PM[addsig]

just give them hell....eventually they will give in, trust me it has happend more than once, not about a jeep but other stores, like wal-mart i went to buy a pair of speakers for my g/f's car on the counter they were on the person who printed out the price made a mistake, the speakers were suppost to be $49.95 but instead he/she put $19.95 on it so i was like man this is a good deal and bought all 4 for the car, but when i got to the regerseter it rang up as $49.95 each so i told them and the checkout person had someone go check and they said it said $19.95 so a manager went to check and said someone must have switched out speakers so me an the manger went to check out the price tag and the model #'s matched so i got the speakers for $19.95 a set.........moral of the story never let something go unrested exspecally for a car :-x :-x :-x [addsig]

they've all got the right idea... the key is to keep on it.... you can't take a "no".. they will try to deny you for the first 30 times you ask... but if you keep on it... eventually they will realize that they've spent more time talking to you, than it would have taken to fix it... so you can be wasting their money as it is, and let them know that you intend on doing it more... and the threat of telling customers of the service to scare them off... that is a great idea... threaten for that.... and when you do it... stand out front, so you are not on their property while you do it.. that way, they can't remove you[addsig]


Fight it call the local news paper or even a local news station
and tell them whats going on Jeep wil hate negative image
that it will show, I would fight harder...............$.02.... :-x [addsig]