Safari Bikini


New member
Ok guys, heres the deal. Its getting to be that time of year, and im thinking i want a bikini top for the jeep. I think I want the full length safari style. Now the only question is should I get the type that you have to drill for the header, or the no drill style??? Its for a 97 TJ. Any experiences with either style? And wheres the best place to buy it from?

Thanks a lot!!


i just bought the bestop no drill safari. a little too cold still to use it but the no drill header looks really simple to install or take out. just two bolts and it's done.
I have the bolt in, I like it but if I ever sell my 97 TJ, I have to buy another bracket to use the bikini in another Jeep. Its easy to install, and you just slide the bikini in the slot.

Im not sure TC... i just know in the catalogs they have 2 different ones listed.... one with a No-drill header, and one that requires drilling

the drill style and non drill style have two different style channels on the front of the matierial where they mount in to the headers. one is a flat channel and one has a round one i believe.
I'm guessing that you'd have to remove the header to put the soft or hard top back on. Is that correct?

south442 said:
I'm guessing that you'd have to remove the header to put the soft or hard top back on. Is that correct?
only if you get the no drill header. the drill in style stays on permanently.