Roll Cage Pads


Active member
Now that I've finalized the install of my Roll Cage I'm moping to find compatible Roll Bar Pads for this cage. It's rather unique as it's grafted from a Kentrol 5SRB "step bar" and a six point YJ cage I had in the garage.
Could a Wrangler par pad work with this?
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You might have to do a sectional pad installation as opposed to a one piece zip up roll pad. That's what i ended up doing on mine.
Parts of the pads were re-used from the original pledther roll pads. I cut the sewn in seams and installed it on the roll cage where it fits. Whatever else that the original pads didn't work on or didn't fit, i ordered the sections from 4WD hardware. Look for the velcro type so you can cut it down to size. The original ones on my CJ is a zipper type and if you cut it down to size, you will need to stitch in a stopper on the end to keep the zipper from comming off when you zip it all the way.

Right on! Thanks so much Steel.
P.S. I saw the battle of words in a closed thread yesterday and want you to know that I lend my support and empathy to you against these trolls.
Take care and have a great weekend.