Riddle Me This?

Sully said:
Because she screwed Mingez and Gadgets heater! Mingez's missing hardware was that screw that was lodged in GADGETS HEATER!

ROFL!!!!!! Very funny, Sully! :lol: :lol: :lol:
RE: Quote the Raven...er..Jeepz Peepz

Here is further evidence.......


In this picture we can clearly see that dog has been concealing something. Something of great value to one person and nothing to another... The dog is over joyed that she has gone this far without being caught! You may wonder why there is an unidentified man clearly pulling something out of the dog. I wont go into details but you get the idea. The unidentified man was later identified as none other than the dog's owner! Mr Brian Lucero wanted as of January 20, 2005 in Albuquerque NM.

Thanks to you help authorites have found a connection to both cases(the case of the missing top hardware in NM and the case of the mystierious wood screw inside a heater). This will lead to further investigation on these two cases.

You guys and gals are the greatest!!! Sunshine will have to wake me up tonight because I know I'll be laughing in my sleep!!!!
xj motor ?

OMG... Sully, you crack me up. Very nice. Nice to have such funny stuff to think about at work tommorrow.

EDIT: I posted this on my soft top thread, but I just wanted to add to the fun of this one as well:

Hee hee...

RE: Help me pick a front bumper...

Apologies for bubbling this up to the top of the list.

I have been down with the flu (not the furnace flue) and dental work and away from home.

I did want to say that the creativity of the Jeepz-steers gang astounds me.

Great theories!!! :lol:

Dunno which, if any, theory is correct, but fun reading all the same.

Also, remarkable self-restraint on everyone's part. This thread could very easily have gone wild. :wink:

