Repair Manual


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Which repair manual would you guys suggest for just the random problems of a jeep? I own a 98 TJ and neither Chiltons nor Helm make one.


I'd would NOT recomend the Helm. Not very informative. I prefer the Chilton. -Al

mmm, I am not sure if they do. Your best bet is to go to O'riley's (spelling?) . Hayes brand is available at Autozone. Call Autozone and ask if they have one available. Hayes has a book available for jeeps 87-99. The problem with that is that it is probably too general. I personally have the Hayes manual (87-95) and it is alright. I guess. To general for my taste. If you really want a good resource, then get the shopbook. This is the same book dealers use. Each book is particular to each year. I beleive they have these books on cd's are available on eByay. I'll try too find out right now.-al

With the work required to keep all the moving parts on a jeep a moving I vote get em all and when something new comes out on the subject get it too. hehehe Tug :roll:
If you don't know much the haynes is good. If you know a change the brakes level of knowlege go with the chilton. I somehow always end up with the haynes and they just are too basic. I would have to agree with Tug that going with both would be the best bet if the money allows.
If you plan on performing redpairs on your TJ (out of warranty) you should get the factory tech. manual! Call ur local stealer for info on them.

What trans do I have?

Called my local jeep dealer and you have to call up Mopar to order it. Have not done it yet but im pretty sure they run about a hundred bills. Im going with that when i round up some money.
