RE 2.5 Lift & Track Bar


New member
I got my 94Yj in June and i am a little new at this. I got the RE 2.5 and went to put on the front leaf springs. The directions say connect the front and rear of the leafs then the axel. I connected the front and the rear of the front leafs and the axel would not line up with the hole on the axel and the nub on the leaf so i un bolted the leafs and bolted the axel on the leafs so the nub on the leaf lined up on the axel. Then with the rear of the front leaf attached and the axel attached to the leaf the front of the leaf was off to the left at least a inch and a half. with almost 8 hrs of work into the front end i finally called RE the guy said you have to take off the track bar to make everything line up. Now i do not have a problem with removing the track bar but they make no mention of removing the track bar in the instructions. after 8 hrs of work and trying to figure this out the lack of this vital information in the instructions is what pisses me off.
I am looking forward to going home tonight and taking off the track bar and getting the front done. I guess the point of my venting is - does anyone know of any undisclosed problems i might run into with the rear and i guess in all fairness to RE is removing the track bar something i should have known on my own ??

Don't feel bad, I went throught the same thing last weekend putting on my lift. As far as the rear, I just removed the rear track bar altogether. It seems pretty common to do so, gives you a little better wheel travel, and I honestly can't tell any difference with it gone. I'm going to hang on to it in case I ever have to get the jeep inspected again though!

Good luck and post some pics when you are done!!!
Dana 44 question

you should have also gotten a bracket that bolts to the existing track bar mounts on the axle. This barcket relocates the track bar to a higher postion according to the amount of new lift gained by the springs.

hehe..sorry if my last post was confusing. i was referring to the front track bar...the rear track bar can be removed but the front should be left in tacked.
Thank you for the responses. I am beginning to understand these track bars are not really necesary. I just wish they would mention it in the instructions. Anyway i will get the rear done and i have my 32X11.50X15 mtr's comming in on Thrusday.