radio wires?


New member
I have to hard wire my 02 wrangler because the last owner did a very poor job of installing the aftermarket radio that he installed. I am replacing it and that's when I noticed the bad wiring job. They cut the off the stock radio connections and so I am left with just wires. Is there anybody that has the a wire diagram of the radio wires and what they are for? Pictures would be nice. I found what wires go to the speakers but the others I cant figure out what they do. I have attached a pictures of the wires that I have been speaking about, Thanks.


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Here is what my schematic shows, I hope it helps.
Orange is the radio lights from fused panel lamp dimmer sw signal.
Pink is fused 12v from ign.(run-acc.).
Brown/Red is L.F. spkr. neg.
Dark Green is L.F. spkr. pos.
Dark Blue is R.F. spkr. neg.
Violet is R.F. spkr. pos.
Brown/Light Blue is L.R. spkr. neg.
Brown/Yellow is L.R. spkr. pos.
Dark Blue/Pink is R.R. spkr. neg.
Dark Blue/ White is R.R. spkr. pos.
Black/Yellow is from headlight sw (park lamp switch output).
Pink/White is (B pos.) fused from the pwr dist center. (also powers the dome lights and under hood light.)
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Thanks, but what I need to know is these colors. Pink, pink/white, orange, green and white. If you can tell me what these wires are for, that would be great. Thanks for the help so far.
Orange,Pink, and pink/white all go to the radio from where I said above, unfortunately thats all the info I have on those.
There is no solid Green or solid White shown in the radio circuit, only a solid Dark green which I listed above.
My schematic is from a Haynes manual so it may not be perfect, it is listed as "Typical audio system circuit 1997 and later"
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The first diagram is without a suboofer, the second one is with a subwoofer.
These are the factory wiring diagrams.

Those wires are most likely dimmers/illumination for the radio. I would NOT trust one persons wire colors versus another, manufacturers do not use a singular set of wire colors for a radio sometimes. especially from year to year. It would be better if you use a multi meter and verify what is what.

First, make sure the fuses are good, find a solid chasis ground and then find the hot wire (12 volt) this will go to the yellow wire on the after market radio.
Turn the ignition to acc and find another wire with 12 volt. thsi goes to the red wire inthe new harness.
Turn on your parklights, test for 12 volts, this is a dimmer.
One constant is all Chryslers had either a braided steel ground or it is a black wire. test for this using continuity when you think you find it, also turn on the park lights, some cars use a neg. trigger illumination wire. Dimmers and illumination wires just cap and set aside for now.
to find speakers, I like to use a 9volt batter and touch the wire to the terminals, once you hear a small thud sound, you have found the wires for that speaker. I like to seperate all teh speaker wires, then I find phase. with the speaker wire attached to teh battery, if the cone protrudes, the wire attached to teh positive terminal is the positive speaker wire. if the cone goes in towards the magnet, the wire attached to thepositive terminal is the negative wire.