Put a face with the name

RE: Old Man Emu

This was Saturday, 2/19. It was 6 to 8 degrees that morning. I'm on the right. :D


Just another day at the office


Ill have to see if I can dig up a pic.... I think the only ones I have though are me and my g/f and she would probably kill me if I put her pic on the net ;) plus imagestation is the only place I have to host it, and imagestation sucks..

RE: Can a YJ body fit atop a 2003-2005 Rubicon body???? HELP

Hey Ritt, where do you work? I used to work ski patrol and instructor at SunPeaks in BC, Canada. I have friends who work at Whistler, BC. That was definately the most fun job I ever had but not the best paying. We would work/ski all day, then drink all night, then do it all over again the next day and the next day and the next and the weekends were a whole nother story....had to get outta there before I became a true ski bumb and a drunk. Never knew what a true ski bumb was till I worked and lived at the ski resort....there's actually guys who dedicate their whole lives to skiing. Some of them are in their 40's and 50's and have been doing it their whole lives. They live there and work there year round not making much money just so they can ski for free in the winter. The little money they do make goes towards booze and pot. Man I'm glad I got outta there before I got caught up in all that.
Craig said:
....there's actually guys who dedicate their whole lives to skiing. Some of them are in their 40's and 50's and have been doing it their whole lives.

.........and older
. I've been on patrol at Berkshire East (north western MA near VT) for 36 years, the kids where brought up with it (my youngest standing next to me). I have a daughter working on her PhD at SFU and she loves it out there in BC. She finished at U. Washington and thought Seattle people were the nicest she ever met then she went to Vancouver and fell in love with that city. We may be out there this summer, not sure.

I've never skied in CA. I also have a daughter in CO so I get to ski there often with them. Jackson Hole is still my favorite but one of our customers said I haven't been to Blackcomb yet, that's the place.

Sure Blackcomb/Whistler are the "tourist" places to go (actually Whistler was rated #2 ski resort in the world next to one in Switzerland somewhere but it's way too crowded for my liking. I hate lift lines!) but there's much better skiing than that around BC. The locals keep quiet about these places. There's some places in the interior of BC with the ultimate chairlift accessable, deep powder back country skiing around....just gotta know where to go. Soooo, is your daughter hot?....just kidding!
RE: Merging threads

Craig said:
Soooo, is your daughter hot?....just kidding!

Yeah, and loans up the kazoo. Also, she's been doing kung fu for 10 years practicing with men. She's supposed to go to China this year for a competition. She can kick ass.

We've acquired some new folks on here since this was last at the top of the forum...so....any new pics people?

RE: Re: Not new to jeepz but been away awhile

I like the "king of mardi gras" pic. How many times you have to show people your moobs for all them beads?
imagestation rant

Sully, when you've got Moobs this beautiful, you only need to flash them but once.

Thank you Mingez!
There I am (on the LEFT)
my little girl is in the pillow case "sleeping bag"... she's a camper already
Interested in buying an 84 cj but need some advise

I'm gonna have to get my pic up here sooner or later. But hey this is a great idea. Anybody think of maybe making it a sticky and keepin it on top. Just a thought, pics to come.

RE: Another strange rattle

Here we go.... I hope

The wife is PREGO in the picture.... we are raising the daughter to be a real Jeeper, huh?
My sister had a friend with a Jeep when she was preggers with her first kid and had her take her for a ride to "shake it loose" when she was 2 weeks overdue! :lol: