Put a face with the name

hi_c said:

You'll learn, one day, that when you get your wife pregnant, you call it "we".


Ya I know, I was just joking.

The misses got her britches in a mess cause she wants kids in the next two years or so and I want a new Jeep!
Finally found it. So, here's me lately. Since my last pic, I grew a full beard, un-highlighted my hair, and lost a few pounds... My cam's grainy, but it's what I've got.


Here's me taking a picture of myself.


Here's a pic my computer shot (it takes 'em when I have the program running), I'm basking in my post-up-north peacefulness, listening to some music...


Whoops... Computer decided that posting to Jeepz was an issue, looks like the cam caught me whaling on the keyboard... It shoots every 10 secs, lucky shot... That's me pretty much all the time if I don't get up north... I just figured that we had a bunch of new Jeepers, so maybe we can get to know each other some more.

Forgot about this thread, it is a good thread! I will have to go look for a updated pic!
258 GM HEI distributor swap and Nutter bypass, emissions too

Here is a pic of my family. My wife Selena, my stepson Bradley, and my daughter Charisma.

Beautiful family!

Thanks for refreshing this thread Saurian - One of the best with being able to see faces with the handles - my Mrs. would freak seeing the snake tho - myself, I hardly have time to read and post a tidbit of reading material being a small business owner 24/7 let alone taking the time to figure out how to post a picture. I've been wanting to post a pic of my 76 Jeep that I bought from the Ga. area a year ago off of E-Bay and had trucked across the US....really want to know if anybody on Jeepz knows anything about it. Nice CJ. Hell, one of you probably either built it or sold it to one of my predecessors....or ME! I even went to Sony imagestation and signed up to post pics, then lost interest 'cause it sounded too involved. I suppose that it's like losing one's virginity......once you experience the success, it's hard to quit "posting pictures." I can appreciate the offers to post pics from e-mails, but if'n ya'll like me, we are DIY'ers, eh? (sorry..a little mix of Eastern, Southern, And Canadian came out all at once.) Well, with my whine I'll take a little bit of cheeze, thank you very much. As far as posting a picture of my beloved wife, myself, and our three kids (76CJ, 77CJ, 79CJ), I don't think it will happen until my IQ raises more than 10 above Saurian's snake. Up until joining the Zees, I thought that 4-wheeling was taking my dually without front drive out in the muck (4-wheel drive is 4-wheel drive, right?) Red Rooster, your Jeep rocks (except for Sirius Buzzsaw.) In conclusion, I realize that by now I could have figured out the posting pic thing. By Jove, I think I've got it!!! (O!!!!!!!O) Sorry, best I could do.
My turn, I suppose............

the muds in their usual pose....

and the muds cleaned up....

But, of course, we both look completely different. Mudwoman cut her hair and mine shoulda been cut months ago (but, hey, winter's comin' on!!). But you got an idea.........

I am dont have any pictures online but I kinda look like George Clooney :)
judge09 said:
I am dont have any pictures online but I kinda look like George Clooney :)
Me too!

Here is a picture from this past saturday, kinda goofing off with a friends Jeep


P.S. damn cold, 20 degrees!
Hey, 90Xjay, checked out your site - that's one beautiful family - you're doin' something right!! Tried to email you through the link, but alas, my email was REJECTED!!! (Man, you get really tired of that rejection stuff after 50 years!!! :lol: ). Regardless, you're on the right road......keep on travelin'!!

Thanks mud! I love your "before and after" shots!! That is awesome.
Sorry for the email problem, I checked the link and it worked for me, might have been a cranky server acting up. Try again.

jps4jeep said:
judge09 said:
I am dont have any pictures online but I kinda look like George Clooney :)
Me too!

Here is a picture from this past saturday, kinda goofing off with a friends Jeep


P.S. damn cold, 20 degrees!
safety first as always i see johnny :wink: :wink:
Trying to replace motor mount

Wow! I just found this thread...and it's been here since March.

Well, here's a pic of my best buddy under the legal drinking age. This is my nephew Stanley concentrating very hard on smiling for the camera. It's funny, smiling is usually so effortless. :)


Anyway he gave me this picture last week. I don't have pics of myself handy but I know I have some. I'll try to find one or two to post.
Found a picture of me and OUR boat (Rung Sat River - 1967)


This is one of my grand daughter Erin and me. Sometimes, during the summer, we have Sunday breakfast at the beach.


RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Old Jeeps are better!!

What an interesting boat! And the Muds, love those shots Mr. Mud! Awesome to see everyone! Beautiful families all around!
LadyJeepFreak said:
............ And the Muds, love those shots Mr. Mud! .................

Well, thank you very much, Lady! The first pic is shortly after I got my brand new Jeep (6 days old) stuck in a mudhole - and found out a whole lot about my Jeep and my future wife! (We had a great time, needless to say!) I was the best man in a wedding in the second pic (who thought purple was a good color??? :lol: :lol: :lol: ). So...........where are your pics, Lady?? I've been to your website so I know what you look like. I'd like to see you splattered in MUD!!!!! Got any pics like that??

your friend,