Price Gouging

RE: I need a new commuter...

I'm not quite as old a fart as Mud, but I know what he's saying. Last week we were paying $2.49 a gallon and we were outraged by the price, right? Well, after paying as much as $3.50 a gallon for a few months, the price drops to $3 a gallon and we'll be tickled pink because the price came down....even though we're paying $.50 a gallon more than we were. I've seen it time and time again. Gas price soar to unbelievable highs, then are cut down a little, and we forget that we once had it for an even cheaper amount. So, after paying $3.50 for a while, $3 doesn't seem so bad. Next step is that it goes to $4, then drops back to $3.75 and we're happy we're no longer paying $4 for it......and on and on and on.

RE: Foreign Financial Aid

I was thinking the same thing... When it was pushing the two dollar mark, finding it for like 1.85 was a bargain... Cheapest I've seen it here in Madison Heights is 3.14 this morning. If I found it for 2.85, I would consider that a hell of a bargain, despite the fact that I probably paid in the neighborhood of 2.58 a mere week ago... Supply and demand, after all...
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Suggestions...

It's only up to 2.79 here in AZ.

I can't believe I just said that.......
RE: what

Yes, the government taxes the snot out of it, but it is a fixed price per gallon not a percentage. They collect the same tax if the gas were $1.00 a gallon as they would if it were $3.

Air Induction for ANY automobile

Gas went up in my hometown to 3.50 cents tonight. I got it this afternoon at 2.80 and last week at 2.60 :shock:
RE: trans problems from towing???

It leveled out here yesterday at $2.99. Many stations have run out of Regular. Diesel is $2.79.
RE: trans problems from towing???

TwistedCopper said:
Hell yeah drill in Alaska! The caribou will survive and unfortunately so will the likes of greenpeace.

X2 twisted, unfortunatley our economy is dependant enough on oil that e have to do that but if it keeps life rolling on then thats what we have to do. sure id love to leave nature untouched, especially on a frontier like alaska, but whatever objects will move out of the way. I can just see an elk standing in front of a excavator and doing like the guy from tinnamen square... heh

Who likes the idea of electric cars now? Save the gas for the Jeeps!