Preparing for Herculiner....


New member

I will start tomorrow ripping out all my carpet pulling out my seats
and getting the Tub ready to be Herculined I will take pictures and let
ya'll know how it comes along. If anyone has any pointers I would
appreciate it...... :-D :-D [addsig]


a friend did the herculiner last summer. it turned out great but he did it over the transmission tunnel. dont do that.when we had to lift up the tunnel it was bad.take it off and tape it.i am hopeing to do mine this looks and works great![addsig]

How far are you going w/ the liner??? Taking out the roll bars too?? I have a box of that stuff that's been taking up a corner in my closet since Christmas. I want to do it to mine...but I'm holding out 'till new seats find their way to my house. [addsig]


what do you mean by not doing the transmission tunnel[addsig]

We do spray in liners all the time in Jeeps, remember if it can be unbolted unbolt it. remove anything that can be removed or may need to be removed at a later time. This stuff does not like to be removed at a later time. Make sure you sand the tub well other wise it will not stick well and will peal at a later time. Herculiner says that you can get away scuffing the tub with a scotch brite pad. I don't recommend this. Use 80 grit sand paper and sand the tub. The more time you spend preping this the longer it will last. When you have sanded everything wipe it out with a paint prep cleaner or a clear coat reducer, use 2 clothes one wipes with the cleaner on it and the other follows behind and dries. It's the second cloth that actually cleans the metal. Apply the liner and don't park it in the sun. Keep it dry for 24 hours and try not to put anything insde of it for 72 hours, thats how long it takes for it to fully cure.

Good luck

`thanks Ecor, ,,,,, Darrin,

as always. Great intel...

Jhiggins and I are "wrenching"
Wheeling, and searching together.
we have 2 gallons of Herc Gray
on the way....

and we depend on Good Jeeper's
like you for advice.


would love to see them.

Make sure you sand the tub well other wise it will not stick well and will peal at a later time. Herculiner says that you can get away scuffing the tub with a scotch brite pad. I don't recommend this. Use 80 grit sand paper and sand the tub. The more time you spend preping this the longer it will last .......
Ecor Quote:

Forgive a simple question: sand by what method.
hand, drill, air tool, blaster.?

thanks, looking to make this a ONE TIME FIX./MOD.



Yes I am taking everything out of it and I am going to
sand her down so that it will stick good so I don't have to worry
about the little thing peeling ....I have gotten all the carpet out
and all the F****** glue out when the previous owner glued the
carpet in now I will go to the sanding....Wahooooooooooo...thanks
for the input Fellas..... :-D [addsig]

I think we should just sand down and Use the Sprayer and
spray it on instead of rolling........ :-D I think it will come
out much better.... :-D [addsig]


Most will do it by hand. I have seen people use random orbit sanders and have good luck with them also. Sandblasting may be overkill :evil: [addsig]