Preferred hard door handle


New member
Looking for hard doors for an '85 CJ-7. Which type handle is preferred, the paddle on the late model or the handle on the earlier models, and why?

I had the earlier handles on my 78 CJ7 and they have been ripped off in the woods, worn out, broken, etc. many times. The flat handles seem to be a better design (at least on the outside!! ) . I did find that an office cabinet handle (those tall two door metal cabinets) fit the Jeep very well. These were a lot cheaper than from AMC. Best of luck - John
I'd pick the late model style. The paddle handles are prone to getting snagged when the vehicle is in motion going forward in a thick forest. The late model doors has the opening on the backside instead of the front.
I vote for the YJ style hangles for sure..... I do think they are quite a bit more finiky about door fitment. If they're not perfectly lined up they do tend to stick a little.