Pics of the Toyota style x member!


New member
Here is what I have done so far. This is pre paint, and new mounts.

Here is the the over all look! From the side it only hangs down a small amount below the shackle line.

Here it is from the welds and bolts angle.

Here is where it all makes sence. The transfer case mount. I wil change this all out to New mounts soon.
it isnt welded to the frame is it... you better fab a skid, they thing is gonna cathch rocks/logs like mike piazza catches fastballs....

it looks good... but it also looks as though it would be killing your center clearance... If you are considering tweaking it at all... turn your channel steel up the other way, and cut the ends out so it will fit flush, that will give you back the width of the channel
Thanks for all the input Like I said it is still i the early stages. Not welded to the frame but bolted. Clearence just about 1/2" lower than the orginal belly pan. Will be doing some tweeking for sure and will be adding skid plates to allow it to slid over all the rocks and logs ect... This is just the first step. Next is a xmember up about the motor mount area and from there a skid to protect the oil pan and all the way back to where the rear dirve shaft starts. The old pan is what had me hung up in the Adams Hole when Rob and Jason was here. It is all a learn as you go thing. once I get it lifted high enough it will not matter how low it is any way. Tug :wink: