You know I sold something on Ebay once to a WWII vet in Arizona. It was a golf car battery charger so it was heavy. The fellow found out where I lived and said for me to keep it until he came through my town on the interstate, this was in a couple of months.
Well he called me and I took my wife and kids and we met up with him and his wife, who was in a motor home headed for Tennessee for a Navy reunion.
We met them at the truck stop, loaded up the charger and went inside and sat with them while they had lunch. What a gracious man he was. He told me about being on the Missouri, The Mighty Mo, he called it, when the Japs surrendered. He described being on an upper deck and only being about 40 feet or so from Macarthur and watching his knees quiver just a bit as the Japanese Generals came on board. He said one of them must have had a wooden leg, because he had trouble climbing a 3 foot ladder onto the surrender deck. He also told me that they had been ordered to scour the entire ship looking for green table cloths to cover the mess hall tables that they had used for the ceremony.
His name was **** Walls and I hope he is still with us. That hour I spent with him will always be in my heart.
Those men were special.