paypal legalities... what should i do with this $1800???


Active member

ok... i'll try to keep this as short as possible. through a twisted turn-of-events when i tried to sell a laptop using paypal as a payment medium, i received fraudulant funds. my account got increased $2225 one day, so i took out $1800 into my checking account and shipped the laptop out the next day. then, i got a phone call and an email from paypal saying the funds were fraudulant, so they reversed the $2225 transaction. so now, my account has a [bold]negative[/bold] $2XXX balance and the transaction has been abandoned. the laptop is on the way back to my house.

so my question... what are the implications if i just STOP USING MY PAYPAL account and keep the $1800??? will my credit rating go down? will i get arrested? i'm located north of philly... my qualms with paypal is that i paid $240 in shipping to get this thing shipped (UPS to Philippines) and i only did that because PAYPAL ORIGINALLY SAID THE TRANSACTION WAS COMPLETED!!!

paypal's user agreement here



Did you verify with paypal (meaning give them your credit card or banking info). I would think that you would in essance be stealing $1800. Not thinking of any moral responsabilities, you would probably be commiting a felony. I think that Paypal would follow up on you also, because that's their main business.

I run a hosting company, and I hate to say it, but about 40% of my international orders are fraud. You will usually end up eating the paypal fees.[addsig]

bad carma, send the cash back. you'll keep it and come home one day to find all your stuff is gone :-O

than who would you get pissed at? :-x

as for paypal, i would pursue getting your shipping back from them as (i understood you to say) that they confirmed the money?

i thought the reason for using paypal was primarily to protect yourself from such bad cash events.

sorry you got hit - [addsig]


DUDE! You got hit by a major scam! The same thing happened to a guy that tried to sell a car. He sold the car for like $8000.00 but the guy sent a cashiers check for $10,000.00 and asked the guy to send the change. So he did but hadn't shipped the car yet. The bank accepted the check, then said that funds were fraudulent. So the guy is out $2000.00 but still has the car. The money came from the philipines as well.

You must return the money. If not they will sue you and they have more money than you do and could ruin your financial life. They will win this case. And like Terry said, it would be a felony, as it is over $500.00. (is that the limit nowadays? I forget.) [addsig]

aight thats what i was thinking...

thanks guys... (i needed that positive push, i was ready to flee to mexico!) :) lol[addsig]

Maybe contact PayPal and see if you can work it out to send the money minus your loss !
Just a thought.
Ya never know till ya try ! :-? [addsig]


Scary, I better be more careful. I was really confident that as long as Paypal confirmed receiving the money, it was pretty much set in stone, but I guess not. Sorry to hear of your problem.-Al :-( [addsig]


Excellent idea, didn't PayPal tell you that they received the funds? If so, might be able to recover your loss.
