I think you should retain that islander look as much as you can. They are rare to find nowadays, it's unique and tastefully designed.. If anything, i would suggest a fresh coat of clear coat over it if it looks as good as it does in the pic.. The black and Yelow has a good contrast and compliments each other and with the islander decal package, it helps break the overall yellowish body... I like it... The only one's i've seen painted out of a rattle can that turned out nice is the Camouflage and the olive green.. Both are a matte or flat finish and you can't see the spray trails because it's dull. It's almost impossible to get a good clean finished look out of a spray can on a high gloss finish due to the overspray trail that you leave behind everytime you make a pass. I think it looks a lot worse than having a Jeep with just a primer.. Just my opinion.