Ox Lockers


New member

Yo Homies, This is my 2nd post so cut me a little slack. I'm new to the board and want to say hello. I just got my 94 4.0 YJ in May and i want to do all the upgrades and i have the $$ ready to go but as soon as i start to take the jump someting happens. I called Drivetrain Direct to get axels,gears and a locker for the rear -- they tell me they are no longer dealing with OX. I really sweat this stuff. First i wanted the ARB then i was told the OX is better and now this.
I want to get started, lift tires gears locker ect. and i want to do it all at once. I like the idea of the cable for the locker verses all the air tubes. any advice would be apprecaited. [addsig]


Ox lockers are great and work great ...No problems or complaints
about them from me ....I like them because I didn't have to use
air...I love the cables...AND WELCOME... :-D [addsig]

OXtrax went out of business.... eaton has a new Elocker that is selectable if you dont like ARB[addsig]