Ouch... ow... ahhh!!!!


Active member
RE: Re: RE: miss me?

I just got back from having my wisdom teeth pulled. No sodium-penethol :shock: , just a "local" and a lot of nitrous-oxide. Man does it hurt. I took some Vicodin but it just made me feel like I'm floating... and hurt. It feels like I had my teeth slowly pulled out with my Jeeps winch :cry: . The head-ache I have is worse than when I broke my Jeep. I hate this, my wife talked me into it, and now she is temporarily on my $H!T list, but she'll get hers done soon :twisted: . I have to vent and I can't talk or open my mouth. I can't spit and the blood keeps flowing AND I'M NOT SWALLOWING IT... so what am I supposed to do? AHHHHHHHHH IT HURTS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AH AH AH OWWWWWWWWW AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA I NEED MY MOMMY IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS.

RE: Re: 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited For Sale

Been there before...I got numbed up. Wasnt thinking and tried drinking some water...damn near drowned myself.
It hurts to eat Jello and pudding and soft-serve...... oh it sucks, AND I have to work tomorrow (Landscaping)
Who's having ragtop daze??

Hey that does suck man. I got lucky too, got numbed and had em pulled and not much pain that I remember. I know LOTS of people who weren't so lucky, I guess such as your experience. They have got to ease up on you soon, don't you think? Good Luck tomorrow!


RE: Who

Well I had'em pulled out @ about 9 AM and I'm still spittin blood.
prariepunk said:
Well I had'em pulled out @ about 9 AM and I'm still spittin blood.

Guess this ain't a good time to be bouncin' around rocks, huh! :shock:

Been there done that.... I'm pullin for ya.

Man, your dentist must like to torture people. Mine knocked me out completely when I had all 4 of mine pulled last year. I woke up, they were gone, next day felt ok, day after that I was fine.

Sorry to brag. :roll:

RE: Who

Try ibuprofin instead of the narcotic. Advil liqui-gels work pretty quick. Ibuprofin is an anti-inflammitory and in my experience it does a much better job of alleviating pain than any narcotic, not to mention you won't be loopy. Save the vicodin for bedtime.

Got me through broken ribs, a broken wrist, a broken hand, kidney stones, and post appendectomy recovery (all at different times ;) )
Re: CAT 518 and Jeeps, 40 years ago...........

TwistedCopper said:
Try ibuprofin instead of the narcotic. Advil liqui-gels work pretty quick. Ibuprofin is an anti-inflammitory and in my experience it does a much better job of alleviating pain than any narcotic, not to mention you won't be loopy. Save the vicodin for bedtime.

Got me through broken ribs, a broken wrist, a broken hand, kidney stones, and post appendectomy recovery (all at different times ;) )

No no, don't take Ibuprofen if you are still spitting up blood. It's an anti-infflamatory, but it is also a blood thinner. It doesn't help you to clot properly and may cause additional bleeding. I'd ask for another option by your dentist.

I distinctly remember my dentist telling me not to take my prescription Ibuprofen (used for migraines) after my wisdoms were removed.
Re: Don't you just love those overseas call centers?

I had my first wisdom tooth pulled without my consent.....yeah, really! I went to the dentist because I had a piece of popcorn kernel stuck in my gums. He said he'd deaden it to get it out. Ok, yeah, that's fine. Next thing I know, there's this horrible cracking and ripping sound, and I open my eyes to see my wisdom tooth on the end of his pliers!!! I was PO'd!!! Nothing at all wrong with it, never gave me any trouble at all. I ended up taking him to court over the bill and won because the only documentation he could provide showed my chief complaint as "foreign body lodged in gums". Judge heard the story and apparently hated dentists, so I didn't have to pay the $500 (yeah, not only was he a quack, but he overcharged). I had two others pulled by another dentist much later on. One because of the first one missing below it was causing problems when I'd bite, the other had abscessed. No pain in either one during the pulling (except the dentist was like 90 years old, and kept having to stop and rest every 5 minutes!). The next couple of days were misery with the throbbing, though. I remember my brother and I taking a road trip the day after one was pulled, and I was stoned on Tylenol 3 and spitting blood all day.......Guess I was fortunate, everyone else in my family that has had theirs pulled had to go to an oral surgeon and have them taken out in pieces. Mine all came out whole and pretty easily.

ouch, that sucks... still got mine, and ain't no one taking them!
Had all 4 out about a month ago and they still arnt completely healed, I had the same problem with the blood. keep changing the gause eventually it will stop, its ok to swallow it as long as you are on a antibiotic. sounds gross but youll have to at some point cause it wont just stop bleeding. Try icing your cheeks it really does help with the pain. I refused to take my vicodin (I hate not feeling normal) and I couldnt take care of my daughter on them. Are you swollen? I didnt swell up but the pain was crazy for days. I wish the best of luck to ya and seriously I can feel your pain.
TwistedCopper said:
Try ibuprofin instead of the narcotic. Advil liqui-gels work pretty quick. Ibuprofin is an anti-inflammitory and in my experience it does a much better job of alleviating pain than any narcotic, not to mention you won't be loopy. Save the vicodin for bedtime.
Yeah, that's all fine and dandy but I'm alergic to Ibuprofin... IF I take it, I'll end up a lot worse than I am now (I'd be in the Mourge :shock: ). But yeah I know that Ibu. works a lot better but I'm stuck on Acetamenophen (TYLENOL) Thank You though. Even on day 2 it hurts worse! ! ! ! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

yikes :shock:, get well soon.

my wisdom teeth haven't been removed yet....
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts..... etc. ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE PRARIE GO..... (softly) cazy :twisted:

Ouch....I hate tooth work. It's the worst. Doctors, not afraid of them, dentists.....definetely! One of my teeth had to be pulled. But they said they could fill the sucker and it might just hold. I opted for the filling as a pose to the pull and a root canal. I hate pain in my mouth. Not to offend any fems but.....I especially really dislike the prissy female dentists or dentist assistants. I say ow and they tell me to shut up. They arent gental and all they do is try to make me feel pain. :cry: Yea I hate the dentist.