OK I need help no Jeep issue


New member

I have this new computer and the dang thing gets like a million pop up ads a day. My old box did not do this so how do I stop it from doing this. Funny thing is about one half of the ads are to stop the pop ups. go figure. tug[addsig]

You need to download a pop up blocker........There are some free ones out there (Pop up stopper is free I think) but I paid like 10 bucks for "Stopzilla". I think it works better and has a few more features...I'll post a link to both.

pop up stopper


Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]


what os ya using?
might help to disable windows messenger. not msn messenger, its a service embedded into windows os.
for pop up blocker try:
www.pestpatrol.com its free
or PopNot from http://www.hdsoft.com/ free trail or $19.95 to buy
Pest Control is something everyone should try.You probally wont believe what it finds on your pc ( tracking bugs, trogans,key loggers,etc..)
Email me if ya need more info

Best solution would be to purchase $35 router. This will allow you to connect a bunch of computers to the internet, and let them talk together.

These also have a built in firewall, so all a hacker can see is the router, and can never get to your computer. Definately worth the money, especially if you have stuff on your computer like Quicken.[addsig]

allmost forgot to tell ya how to disable messenger:
in win xp got to start/control panel/performance & maintance/administrative tools/services
scroll down to messenger/right click it/select stop
then double click it and set "start up type" to disable / apply
all done :-D
My PC shop website

edited by: ROade, May 15, 2003 - 12:56 PM[addsig]


Get the pop up blocker from Download.com. It works good and it give you a on/off switch on your task bar. Because if you click on something and it is supposed to bring up a new window the blocker won't let it open.[addsig]

yeah I got the router too (daughter has a 'puter too) and it works great, but i was still gettin pop ups like mad.

I also use SPYbot to clean my files, and that works pretty well

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]


A broadband router/firewall will stop messenger pop-ups.
A good browser, like Netscape 7, will stop web pop-ups.

I recently switched to Netscape 7 and I ahve no more popups. The only problem I have found is that it is a resource HOG. When I have 2 or more tabs open (frequently when I am surfing the board), It will take up all of my athlon 2000+'s resouces for about 3-4 seconds. Thats the only complaint I have about it, but it is easy to get used to. I just can't work as fast as I like to.
