Oh crap... On top of everything else


New member
After school my friends car wouldn't start. He flagged me down and I went out to jump it but as I got the cables out of my car I got a phone call from my mom. Since I'm "good boy" I answered and left my friend to hook up the cables. When I got back I didn't check my friends handy work and got in my car and turned on. He then proceeded to try to get his car working. I immediately noticed all of my interior electronics dim and flash and turned off my engine... My friend however got his car working... I then went to the engine and saw he did as he put it "matched the colors up". Pos to pos neg to neg... Now my speakers don't work. How serious does the damage sound? How much money is it going to take to fix this? How mad should I be at myself for not checking up on someone who brags to be a car "genius"?

I would say it needs to go have a diagnostic ran on the electrical system.
i always second guess myself when i use jumper cables for some reason i just cant remember how they go

pos to pos and neg to neg is how they should be hooked up, so what problem did it cause, or am I not understanding the question?
If he had them hooked up correctly as you describe, sounds like your battery may have been on the way out and the increase load caused by his starter put the final nail in your battery's coffin.
bds5 said:
pos to pos and neg to neg is how they should be hooked up, so what problem did it cause, or am I not understanding the question?

thats what i thought but i still always second guess myself, ive never jumped a car incorrectly though
Clean you battery terminals and connectors. Be sure the alternator cables are clean and tight. Reset the PCM.

If this doesn't work have the battery load tested.