No start..90 Wangler2.5L


New member
I've got a 90 Jeep Wrangler 2.5L 5 speed maual transmission. I was driving along my driveway when it just gave a gasp and quit. So far I've changed the fuel pump.. because I couldn't hear it running.. Not the problem.. So I changed the the crankshaft posistion sensor, the coil, starter moduel, the distribuitor.. Still nothing... Sent it to a garage and had an engine control computer put on.. They didnt do any programing they said you should be able to just plug and go.. I don't know. Still the Jeep wont start and isn't geting fire from the coil to the distributor, but the coil is registering on the voltage meter.. All I get is a crank crank crank!!! Can anyone make some suggestions?? :idea: I would appreciate it very much!! Thank you

All fuses are good?, How much Voltage are you getting on the Coil?

Nope replaced the coil wire.. still nothing.. ??????

Check for spark. Quick test: put about 1 teaspoon of fuel in the throttle body and see if it starts for a second or two. (that eliminates spark as the issue) This almost sounds like when the local gas station screwed up and got solvent in their tank instead of fuel!

check all wires from bottom of dist back bet you have a short or might also be the ecm its about the size of a credit card in the dist itself had same prob bout a year ago let me know if you find it if so you owe me dinner:D
feel free to email me if you have any questions
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guys i really appreciate the ideas, but ive got a 98 grand cherokee and the starter went out today.. so i gots to change it out for the ol lady before i can get back to the wrangler... I'll let ya know what i find out... ;)

well i tried the teaspoon of gas and still it didn't even try to start.. and i couldnt find the module under the dash either.. :( i dunno guys, iv'e got a ASE guy coming today to look at it.. let ya know summen.. still open for ideas!! thanks guys
nothing yet.. i found a plug running from under the relays that had been burnt out, i tried touching the bare wires to the other end of the plug but it didnt start.. im going to try to replace it if i can ever find one. ne one know about a module under the dash on driver side?
I had a similar problem with my 93, I ended replacing all of the fuses in the fuse box under dash, the contacts on the fuses were corroded, the way I found it was to crank the engine and run my fingers over the fuses moving them and it started. Maynot be your problem, but worth a try. The fuses under hood might be corroded as well. Good luck.

Well I changed the computer.. still nothing.. confused to death!!

The '90 2.5 YJ has a computer??? WHere is that located? I thought I have been everywhere in my Jeep. Never came across anything that looked like a computer.
try a timing light to see if you have a spark and if its anywhere near the correct time. (you said you had replaced the distrubitor) if you have no spark and the light doesnt work then for fun you could check that the dizzy center pin hasnt fell out and that the factory remebered to install a rotor in the new distrubitor. i have been caught many times thinking that new means it works.
You did put the rotor back in didn't you lol not that i have ever pulled that stunt well not to many times any how lol.

well guys the computer is in behind the glovebox. you have to take it completly out to get to it. and i reckon i put the rotor back in.. lol I havent checked to see if it skiped time or not. any one know what order my cylinders are in to check the timing?