No idea why, just bored


New member

i just got really bored and decided i could make no sense by making sense...

i've come to the conclusion that "vacuum" is the most commonly misspelled word here at

yeah i know, no big deal... insomniac i am[addsig]


had i known you had that much free time, i would have emailed you some essays to write up for my final ....they might have been slightly more interesting. keyword being slightly. [addsig]

If you have that much time on your hands WELL....... YOU NEED TO GO WHEELIN'! :-D [addsig]


We don't need to spell no stinking Vacuum! I do mis spell almost every thing and hope we will not be graded ant the end of the class for such! hehehehe Tug[addsig]

send those reports on over... i don't wheel alone, and nobody else is awake at night while i am... remember... the spelling police are out watching for that sort of stuff... NOPE... i guess thats the sort of stuff that insomnia gets me... haha... a few nights ago... i was taking people's phone numbers and seeing what sort of words i could spell with my phone's keypad from their numbers... its a dull life after 3 AM[addsig]

Count Sheep, or buy one of them beds that puts the sheep out of business, better yet call me on the phone and I will sing you a lalabye, or tell you corn ball jokes till you can not take it any more. Sleep Friend Snitty Sleep! Tug[addsig]


hey tug, maybe i'll take you up on your little lullaby... whats your phone number? you have toll-free access? :) lol[addsig]

personally, i like to create a different jeep of my dreams every night. it really doesn't help get me to sleep though, cuz i get too excited about what i want to do. if only money wasn't a probem . . .[addsig]

oh boy do i wish i could... ever since i was a child, i could never sleep at night... now, the morning is another story.. i can sleep like a rock in the morning


open up any text book. they put me right to sleep...all i have to do is open the front cover (they are so powerful, i don't even get a chance to read a sentence). it might work? i would send you those essay questions, but i already took the final...unless you still want them?? :p [addsig]

Heh, it is the wifes job to know how to spell vacuum, and laundry, and cooking, and cleaning etc.. hehe

Just kidding, if you have ever met the misses, you would know she does none of that stuff, yours truely does!
