Next TN Jeepz ride.

Hey guys... I CANNOT WAIT for jeez week, it's been a while since we've had a nice "outing" with the family. Me'n' Dad have done a little bit of muddin ourselves lately, and it just makes me all the more exited!! All I have to say is WATCH OUT DIXIE CREEK! Hey Danny, where have u been paw? I miss ya! and u gotta know i miss rene too, but i can still live without the brothers :wink: :P but i still love um lol. You should give us a holler and we can get together bud, maybe do some muddin!! As of right now Dixie Creek, Dark Hollow, and a couple other trails are really high, and now because of the snow I'm bet'n its gettin tough and rough and ready for everyone to come down. But the warm weather's startin and it's lookin like jeepz week will be beautiful. Can't wait to see yall down here soon. :D
Let Momma Tug know I'll be there to help her out. Can't wait to see everyone again - Chris, Kristen, Jason, etc. :D

It will NOT be the same without the Danny-O Heckle




Hey Yall.........If I'm gonna be gettign this together, we're gonna have to change the week.....I'll schedualed outta town for part of the last week in June....get your heads together, and let me know when a good time is...................There IS a HUGE fireworks display around here on the fourth.................
If PASmokeater is getting everything together where are we going to meet? Erwin or Johnson City? Will the girls still have Momma Tug or will we have to fend for ourselves? OH THE HUMANITY !!!!!!!!!!
We already had our heads together and everyone has schedualed Vacation for that week. All I can do is cancel I can't change it. If it is changing weeks then I will not be able to make it.

Sorry all....I'm just trying my best having just found out about Tug's work situation...I'm sure if we keep at it, we'll be able to work something out
WTS: 03 TJ Hard Top - Perfect Condition

So do we all agree to meet in TN the week of June 21st? Let me know so I'm not sitting there listening to the dueling banjos alone :shock:

:cry: Awwwhh, life happens doesn't it?

Thats awesome that you have a job Tug! I'm happy for you and hope it makes you and your family able to live a bit easier down the road.

I'm sorry about this Jeepz Week Thing, and that there are scheduling problems. It's great if Rob takes over arranging and thanks for doing that man!

I'm able to rearrange my weeks if need be, with notice. I'm not sure the scheduled one is good for me right now also, my local association has just scheduled a big jeep show on Saturday June 26th and I am helping out alot with that. It would be a rush back home for me to be in it and help out.

Also, for me if this ride doesn't work out this year............there will always be next year! Maybe the smaller regional areas can just get together more often instead like the northeast does with paragon.

So, if the week stays the same I'll manage my jeep show up here somehow. If the week has to change, I can manage that somehow too I'm sure. I'll just keep my ear out and see what happens.

Thanks for keeping us current!

Keep in mind that ANY time anyone wants to come down for some good wheeling, Tug and I both can usually set aside some time given some notice..........Jeepz week dosen't have to be set aside for any specific week lol....I will try to rearrange my schedual, although as of the moment it isn't looking good. Anyone interested in reschedauling the trip, get in touch with me, and I'll work around ya'll....those that are locked into the last week in June can ride with L33tJ33p.
I'm able to rearrange my weeks if need be, with notice. I'm not sure the scheduled one is good for me right now also, my local association has just scheduled a big jeep show on Saturday June 26th and I am helping out alot with that. It would be a rush back home for me to be in it and help out.

LadyJeepFreak...i am planning on going around the 13th of june because my graduation party in on the 26th. Just thought id throw that in there so you know if you want to come that week you wont be alone. And im not tooooo familiar with the area but i have been there before so im not goin in blide or anything. If that makes you feel any better

Also...L33tJ33p when do you plan on going.

Also also...If we are all going to go at the same time i know there is a sweet campground we can stay at for cheap and its right on the river if you all are interested. Let me know and ill talk to tug or rob about getting reservations and setting it all up.

I will see what I can pull off. will have to let you know.


However I need to know if this WILL be the week this time. If the Boss let's me change it it will prolly not be changed again.
Troubled Trany

June is not looking good for me at all guys. Sorry! I will have to tag along next time. Thanks for all the help in scheduling.


Air intake for comanche

Sorry to hear you can't make it Jeep Girl :cry:

Maybe we can all get together for Labor Day :wink:

L33TJ33P & me were talking about the 3 of us camping together.

Hey, are there any other GIRLS going?

I'm guessing by the lack of replies there won't be any other girls :( I'm going to let the guys do there thing then - You guys have fun
Don't forget to take pictures to let me see what I've missed :D


Hey guys, pardon my intrusion. I've been looking for some trail rides in East Tenn. What is this TN Jeepz event like. Any url where I can go for more info, or can someone fill me in? Where do you ride? What sort of trails?
Just public trails in Erwin, Erwin is in a Valley with MANY mountians around. Mostly Hunting or logging trails which get a little hairy when you get higher. These are not the MOAB, Paragon type trails. But they are fun none the less.